Bluegill - Big Bluegill

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carl hendrix
  • Gallatin, TN
  • United States
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Carl hendrix's Friends

  • Vince (Vinnie) Fusco
  • Joe D'Angelo
  • John Bowers
  • Larry Langfitt
  • June bug
  • Riverman
  • Capt. Jesse Males
  • tracy willis
  • Austin Johnson
  • Richard Paul
  • Clay  Thompson
  • Mike Cooper
  • Wayne
  • Garry Mason
  • danny broadway

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carl hendrix commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Classic Southern Fried…….4/20/2022

"keep showing these type of pictures and I;m coming to your house for dinner ;;; lolol"
Apr 21, 2022
carl hendrix commented on Jim Gronaw's photo

Magnum Slab

"a beautiful monster ;; congrats on releasing her"
Apr 21, 2022
carl hendrix commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Mushroom and Onion Baked Crappie….4/20/2022

"Jeffery;; you will love this !! as well as everybody else !! google;;sarah parvin slab queen !! she was in outdoor life magazine recently;;; growing ; HUGH copper nose gills in Huntsville Al in a 5 acre pond !! you gotta check it out"
Apr 21, 2022
carl hendrix commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Mushroom and Onion Baked Crappie….4/20/2022

"that';s a awesome looking , meal  fit for a king"
Apr 21, 2022
carl hendrix commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Large Bowl of She Crab Soup…..9/16/2021

"Oh heck yea !!! I;ve neveer had any of this ; looking at it now; I want to try it out !!"
Sep 17, 2021
carl hendrix commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

More From This Morning……9/13/2021

"terrific question Jeffery;; and down right mean to;; LOL  only getting to cast one time !!!  For me; I;m a blue gill fanatic;; so;; I would proablly cast straight forwarrd to the cypress tree with the little knolls around it. Set the float…"
Sep 16, 2021
carl hendrix commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Nice Dinner Weekend……9/13/2021

"that;s a meal fit for a king!! "
Sep 16, 2021
carl hendrix commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Blue Crab Fishing in North Carolina…9/12/2021

"Jeff;; I just can;t see you moving from this area when you retire !! WAY-WAY to many options for fishing here !! and tropghy sizes at that !!"
Sep 13, 2021
carl hendrix commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Working Together is The Easiest Method….9/12/2021

"LOLOL;; team work !!  works every time !!"
Sep 13, 2021
carl hendrix commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Nice Jimmy Crab…..

"shrimp to go with it Jeff ?? that;ll make a fine dinner !!"
Sep 13, 2021
carl hendrix commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Some Nice Bluegill This Morning…..9/13/2021

"don;t you just love it when the gills arre big enough to hide your hand !!"
Sep 13, 2021
carl hendrix commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo
Sep 13, 2021
carl hendrix commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

I Quit at 9:30 When The Sun Started Working….9/13/2021

"glad you got your trolling motor fixed;;  heck of a nice blue gill to !"
Sep 13, 2021
carl hendrix commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Fancy like Fliers…..9/13/2021

"nice flex on the flier;;;; ok;; when the temp drops like it has;; what preferred color jigs do they like ? "
Sep 13, 2021
carl hendrix commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

A Dozen White Perch on The Jig/Live Cricket Combination….9/13/2021

"to be honest; I don;t know much about these;;  but still looks like fun to catch a few"
Sep 13, 2021
carl hendrix commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Productive Creek This Morning…..9/13/2021

"what a honey hole! you can drop me off here for a week !!"
Sep 13, 2021

Profile Information

What date is Independence Day?
July 4
What type of animal is a bluegill?
a really good eating one!!
What state are you from? This can help us get together for fishing trips!

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Comment Wall (93 comments)

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At 2:56pm on March 3, 2021, pat said…

I have gone on ebay and ordered line through them I have had good luck with these lines and they Are reasonable

At 8:35pm on February 22, 2018, Dwayne Duncan said…

Hey Carl,  I'm looking forward to seeing y'all at the rendevouz!  I'm putting my big boat in the shop next week to get it ready. Squirrel Girl said she wasnt coming if I didnt get the motor fixed.

Dwayne aka Noodle

At 6:45pm on January 19, 2018, dick tabbert said…

Your giving me to much credit Carl. All I can see here is 2 might have to check around.

At 9:01am on January 19, 2018, dick tabbert said…

At least 4 or 5 I'm thinking.

At 1:42pm on July 23, 2017, tracy willis said…
hey mr hendrix. havent been active on here in a while since i first joined. ive been aiming to come to the rendezvous and hope to next year. it seems like every summer about that time i start getting migraines that last off and on for most of the summer. i did hit the crappie pretty hard january-april and it was a good year for crappie. i only bluegill fished a couple of times this year and it was disappointing on KY lake. the size of the spawning fish seem to be declining in certain areas of the lake, but when guides take clients out and keep 150-200 fish a trip then its bound to take its toll. the shellcracker were ok but they came in earlier this year it seems.

haha, still trying to figure out this forum board, hopefully i commented in the correct place.
At 8:40am on April 12, 2017, Leo Nguyen said…

Happy birthday Carl. As the days are heating up, make sure to prep your birthday suit for some fishing and sun exposure.

At 1:12pm on October 19, 2016, Noel Relbig said…

Thanks Carl,  I can't seem to read enough on BBG and I have not even made it to the Blogs yet.

At 12:25pm on October 9, 2016, John Ratliff said…

Boy I would really like to go but that fore mentioned shop cleaning still has to be done.

At 1:47pm on September 5, 2016, such a fisherman said…


 a couple years ago !!  ha You posted some quills

where do they come from ? you replied an I went off the radar !!

back on the radar now !!

you are kinda close to Nashville I think

I was in east Tenn  workun  near Watts Barr an other great paces not to far

from home for me either

teas is too far  


At 11:06am on June 11, 2016, June bug said…

Thank you guys for the warm welcome. please bear with me I am somewhat computer ignorant. Thanks for being so patient, I really look forward to learning more.

Carl hendrix's Blog


    IT IS THE VETERAN                                                                          IT IS THE VETERAN; NOT THE REPORTER; WHO GAVE US THE FREEDOM OF THE PRESS                                                                  IT IS THE VETERAN; NOT THE PREACHER; WHO GAVE US THE FREEDOM OF RELIGION                                                                      IT IS THE VETERAN; NOT THE POET; WHO GAVE US THE FREEDOM OF…


Posted on May 24, 2014 at 9:56am — 5 Comments

found a new trick today - might be worth remembering!

 have you ever  or somebody you fished with-- or some one fishing close to you-- knocked a fishing rod over board??  and its gone for good!!  a good little trick I just learned!!  take a chain metal stringer-  open up all of the hooks on it- except for the main one!! tie it onto you other fishing rod- and try to snag the one lost!! 

Posted on January 24, 2014 at 6:29pm — 14 Comments


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John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's group Lure History
"Hey Bruce! Did you ever try the MT Hellgrammites and Nymphs? The Black and natural colors have…"
Bruce Tomaselli commented on John Sheehan's group Lure History
"There is a big dam near where I live and it's pretty loaded with crappie and gills. You use to…"
John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's group Lure History
"Thanks Bruce! Love using Mister Twister 1"- 4" Plastic Grubs! Especially on Hair Jigs or…"
Bruce Tomaselli commented on John Sheehan's group Lure History
John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's group Lure History
"Very cool old nostalgic fishing stuff , hey Bruce! Glad you enjoy! What Mister Twister article are…"
Bruce Tomaselli commented on John Sheehan's group Lure History
"According to the Mister Twister article I was wrong. There were more than 3 colors offered and…"
Bruce Tomaselli commented on John Sheehan's group Lure History
"Wow! This is a gold mine of info right down to the articles at the bottom. I remember when Mister…"
Bruce Tomaselli commented on dick tabbert's photo

pike flies for a friend

"Yes, it does. I've seen them made of 30 lb. hard mason line or mono, but not this way. I like…"
dick tabbert commented on dick tabbert's photo

pike flies for a friend

"I hope this helps Bruce...."
John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's group Lure History
"  Bomber Baits 1949 - Bass Fishing Archives  "
dick tabbert commented on dick tabbert's photo

pike flies for a friend

"With this set up the hook faces up with room to tie on the hook. (Weedless Pike Fly) by Niklaus…"
dick tabbert commented on dick tabbert's photo
dick tabbert commented on dick tabbert's photo

pike flies for a friend

"I took the hook, added a fish skull articulated shank, and tied it on with the knot to kinky. This…"
dick tabbert commented on dick tabbert's photo
Bruce Tomaselli commented on dick tabbert's photo

pike flies for a friend

"How did you make them weedless?"
dick tabbert commented on dick tabbert's photo

pike flies for a friend

"Oh by the way these are weedless."
dick tabbert commented on dick tabbert's photo

pike flies for a friend

"Unfortunately, I'm not set up for anything that big. These were made for a friend who fishes…"
John Sheehan commented on dick tabbert's photo

pike flies for a friend

"I have wanted to catch Pickerel and Pike on Flies but I'm not set up for it . Great work again…"
Bruce Tomaselli commented on dick tabbert's photo

pike flies for a friend

"Nice. I've tied pike flies, but I haven't used them yet."
dick tabbert posted photos

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