Bluegill - Big Bluegill

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I'd like to reiterate the rules on Big Bluegill blog posts and discussions.

1. No profanity

2. No commentary in regards to race or religion, or politics

3. Stick to discussions on bluegill, fishing, bluegill fishing, fishing for bluegill, bluegilling, or substitute redear or any other type of sunfish or hybrid thereof

4. RESPECT--Remember to respect other Big Bluegill members opinions or traditions in regards to harvest practices or fishing methods.

It's OK to explain what you do, but don't slam anybody else for what they like to do. Anybody who has ever been on a fishing site realizes how explosive discussions on "catch and release" vs. "harvest" can be. It seems these talks somehow always degenerate into personal attacks. So far there have been ZERO problems on this site, but I think it's because of the extremely high caliber of members we have so far. If anybody on Big Bluegill thinks that somebody is being disrespectful please let me know. I will probably err on the side of caution and delete the entire thread. I'd rather be heavy handed, than see people upset with each other on Big Bluegill.

5. Off topic discussions, such as wishing people a happy holiday are absolutely OK, but if the topic begins to drift too far, the moderators reserve the right to pull the plug. Don't be offended, please, but sometimes it can be necessary to make an executive decision. After a discussion or blog has aged for a week or two, if I don't think it's related to bluegill I may possibly delete just to keep the content heavily in favor of bluegill or bluegill fishing.

6. Discussion on fishing methodology, such as fly fishing, spoon fishing, bobber fishing--anything like that--is highly encouraged. This site is becoming rich with good fishing information. I've been learning a lot. Keep up the incredible work.

7. Big Bluegill loves photos. I haven't seen any photos so far that have been out of line. I love every one of them. Keep 'em comin'!

8. Be cautious about blatant advertising. This isn't a street corner. It's a site to promote panfish--how to catch them, how to eat them, etc, and to be a clearinghouse for the best bluegill, redear and general fishing pictures available in the world. If I sense that you're here just to make a buck instead of contribute you'll find some of your contributions edited.

9. Absolutely no attacks on other anglers for their preferred methods of angling--PERIOD.

10. Please read this following rule carefully. Please do not use the messaging system to promote any political or religioius agenda. You will be immediately banned if I receive a complaint from a member. It does not matter if I agree with your view or not. This site is about bluegill, and NOT about religion or politics. My own personal beliefs are strong, but I have long ago learned that if I transmit these over the internet to somebody who is not interested in hearing them I am causing great harm to my own credibility, and to this site in general. If you send a personal message to anybody on this site that is threatening in any way, you will be banned. You will not receive a warning. The ban will be for life. No exceptions.

Views: 8515


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Comment by Ken McBroom on June 11, 2020 at 11:38am

I have gone crazy for big Redear. The only problem is I only get a few days where I can locate and catch them. Any tips on finding concentrations of these elusive fish is much appreciated. I realize that different types of water calls for different tactics but I love hearing any tactics that is used because that is how we learn. Hopefully through tips and tactics I can figure out how to extend my Redear season. Thanks. 

Comment by James Micheal Landrum on May 13, 2019 at 6:39pm

How do I get my pictures on right side of column and in the photo section??

Comment by David, aka, "McScruff" on January 20, 2016 at 9:50am
Defintely appropriate Ben
Either go to the main forum, Or create a personal page and do it there.
All posts appear at the right in the "activity" section
Comment by Benjamin Walter Romine on January 20, 2016 at 7:40am

Brand new to forum. Is a brief bio appropriate, and if so which page(section ) of the Forum do I use?

Comment by Tony Livingston on June 1, 2015 at 5:42am

It could be your mobile device. For starters, try going to the main can select "main" from the black bar right below the Bluegill-Big Bluegill title at the top of the page. Do you see the orange rectangle that has three icons in it? Invite friends, customize your page, and add content. Clicking on add content will open another rectangular box, with six possible selections. If you click on "blog post" or "discussion", it will open a new typing window where you can start a fresh discussion or blog. You give it a title, and post your thoughts. You can add photos to the discussion also, from this same screen.

 On the sidebar located along the right side of the page, is a descending column of recent activity. If you want to respond to an existing post, simply click on it and it will open and provide you a spot to type. I do know that when I use my iPhone, I have better luck if I select "desktop view". The site displays better for me in this configuration.

Can you try using a desktop, or laptop to get a better feel at first?

Comment by Cecil Baird on May 31, 2015 at 7:45pm
Well for starters where do I make regular posts at? Right here? Could it be my mobile Ipad that is causing me confusion?
Comment by Tony Livingston on May 31, 2015 at 6:25pm

Cecil! Good to see you on here. What are you having problems with?

Comment by Cecil Baird on May 31, 2015 at 3:18pm
Maybe go to "My Page" and post there?
Comment by J. B. Hillard on May 31, 2015 at 2:19pm

Same is a confusing setup. Takes a while to half way figure it out. I haven't figured out how to edit a post yet. 

Comment by Cecil Baird on May 31, 2015 at 12:36pm
How do I post on this site? I'm so confused!

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"45degree Water temp and 4 pickerel and the first 2025 Bass taken on the 8' flats."
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"It's still a little early here in central, PA. My hope to to be able to post some pictures…"
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Beautiful Largemouth on a pink jig, purple collar…3/15/2025

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Beautiful Largemouth on a pink jig, purple collar…3/15/2025

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"These were caught yesterday adjacent to the shallows….with the blood moon last week, our…"
Jeffrey D. Abney replied to Bruce Tomaselli's discussion Crappie-Bluegill Spoawn
Jeffrey D. Abney replied to Bruce Tomaselli's discussion Crappie-Bluegill Spoawn
"We are just getting started in coastal North Carolina Bruce….out of the seven rivers I fish…"
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Crappie-Bluegill Spoawn

I just wondered if the crappie spawn has begun anywhere yet. Here in Central-Western, PA things…See More
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Beautiful Colors on this Tuxedo Black Crappie….3/15/2025

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Beautiful Largemouth on a pink jig, purple collar…3/15/2025

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Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Nice Black Crappie….3/15/2025

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Jason Tallman commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Beautiful Colors on this Tuxedo Black Crappie….3/15/2025

"i cannot wait to go and fish for these. Love the pics"
Jason Tallman commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

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