I was thinking the other day of all the reasons I love bluegill.
I love the way they bite.
I love the way they fight.
I love the way they taste.
I love the way they look. Oh, man, I think they look so cool. They kind of have an attitude. Sometimes a big bluegill will look at you, and his look says, "If I had a chance dude, I'd kick your butt."
All those bright colors turn even darker when you hold them--sometimes turning almost black with beligerance.
But what really looks cool is when a big male bluegill develops a helmet. Yes, you've seen it. It's that big brahma bull hump

That big ol' helmet means business. It means blue-zilla has been eating. He's been storing energy from heavy foraging so he can beat the bloody daylights out of any smaller cuckolders that dare to get near his nest in the spring. It means if you're a largemouth bass he ain't takin' no guff from you.
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