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I didn't catch anything tonight so I'm having popcorn and a margarita for dinner. Who is having something stranger?

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I see nothing wrong with MARGARITAS and ANYTHING!!!!  A few years ago when I was a kid and we didn't catch anything we would have CANNED SALMON PATTIES , I still hate SALMON!!!!!

Greg when I was young it seen like we lived on salmon patties and to this day I hate then. The wife loves them but we haven't had any in the house in over 40 years. But I will say a fresh salmon on the grill is good and because I hated salmon so much I only just started eating them this year.

I love salmon! Canned tuna with barbeque sauce is pretty good, too :-)

I also like mashed potatoes with barbeque sauce, and... well, almost anything with barbeque sauce <g>

Same here JB. BBQ sauce is like bacon, making everything better. I used to try making my own, but I find the store bought concoctions are every bit as good. Easier, too.

Dick, I can eat salmon patties once a week. I cannot get my wife to even look at them, however. Had I known that in the beginning, well... marriage might not have seemed so sweet. I like the patties as leftovers, too, between bread as a sandwich.

I can see me taking some on the boat.

Oh barf Greg. We used to have that also when I was a child, and couldn't stand up to my dad who would force us to eat it.

Ought to be a law against SALMON PATTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    LOL :-)

Add to that cow liver Greg!

Now a good plate of liver and onion don't get much better than that. Again the wife hates them but I think in all our years together she has made it for me twice, Good stuff.

Beer. Just beer.

And tacos. I like tacos.

THIS. i could eat tacos and beer every day! haha.

I've been waiting for someone to throw this one out there:


"Gosh I dunno', I can't recall a time when I didn't catch any Bluegill............."   Yeah right!!


and with that, I'm off to bed.

How about hot steam rice, stinky "fermented" tofu, steam veggies, pickled eggs, and pickled garlic?


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