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December 2011 Blog Posts (10)


For 2012 I've promised myself that I would see at least five anglers catch their first ten-incher.  This means I'm going to have to take a bunch of folks fishing. 


Whatever it takes.

Added by Bruce Condello on December 31, 2011 at 7:34pm — 9 Comments

In-Fisherman spoon segment airs tonight! 12-31-11 on the Sportsman's channel

At 7pm tonight, In-Fisherman's Doug Stange explains, and demonstrates this unique, and highly effective technique for taking big bluegills with modified spoons.

Check your local listings on the Sportsman's channel.........…


Added by Bill "Musky" Modica on December 31, 2011 at 6:12am — 9 Comments

Fly Rod to Spinning rod conversion

Hi everyone!

I'm new here and after cruising this site for a bit decided that there are some great opportunities to learn a lot from a very knowledgeable member base.

I'm just getting ready to start building my own rods and want to use a 8' - 9' 2 piece fly rod blank to make a spinning rod with single foot Aluminum Oxide guides and use a close faced underspin reel with monofilament. I had one similar to this built in 98 but just recently broke it and the fellow that made it is…


Added by Keith Homan on December 30, 2011 at 6:47pm — 12 Comments

Big Bluegill Christmas

Thank you to everybody who frequents this site. 

Thanks for your passion.

Thanks for your willingness to share information.

Thanks for your efforts to avoid arguments and confrontations.

Thank you for spending time in fellowship on the chat board.

Thanks for keeping it clean.

Thank you for not being judgemental of other members likes and dislikes.

Thanks for your love for the environment and your willingness to care for this wonderful earth…


Added by Bruce Condello on December 23, 2011 at 1:51pm — 3 Comments

Rabbit hair jigs

I bought a couple rabbit  hair jigs that I want to try out next spring. They have a movement all there own sort of pulse in the water. Has anybody used them before and was it a good experience or not.

Added by dick tabbert on December 22, 2011 at 11:09am — 2 Comments

The Bluegill Diaries.....Loch, Stock, and big as a barrel........ Someday!

This blog will be an attempt on my part to document my family's attempt to grow consistent numbers of big Bluegill, which in this case will mean fish that weigh one pound or over. The key words here being "consistent numbers". Think of the times you have seen a photo of a smiling angler holding up a single, colossal Bluegill. There's certainly nothing wrong with that, after all it was his or her skill as an angler that lead to that memorable catch, and they should be justifiably proud of the…


Added by Tony Livingston on December 18, 2011 at 2:53pm — 59 Comments

Electric reel

I was thinking maybe if I got my wife an electric reel I can get her fishing again and that would be to my benefit maybe I can fish more than once or twice a year cause she'll be with me. The one's I seen through the internet look big and heavy. I need small and light. I know she loves to fish maybe this will be the ticket so she can enjoy it once again. I know I will have to order it because I've never seen them in any sporting goods store and I know there not cheep so I really need to shop…


Added by dick tabbert on December 17, 2011 at 1:36pm — 16 Comments

Private Pond Bulls

Last month a buddy and I hit a private residential pond that we hit back in September. Whole nightcrawlers with no weight on the bottom was the ticket.

Both of us together ended up with close to 20 bluegills, 4 pumpkinseeds, 5 yellow perch, and 3 largemouths.

Most of the gills were bulls. Perfect 8" to 10" chubby ones which I got good panfrying fillets from. They were fighters.…


Added by Michael on December 9, 2011 at 2:57pm — 3 Comments

Fish food

This question is for Bruce Condello.  Some of my friends told me that they have been feeding panfish small nugget size or pellet size catfood in one of the public ponds.  Is this a safe idea or can it damage the fish?  Nick

Added by Nick Holt on December 9, 2011 at 1:58pm — No Comments

Lake Geneva

Lake Geneva is 7 miles long, and 2 miles wide......during the summer months, the lake is home to a vast amount of pleasure boaters, jet skiers, para sailors, and the like.....The shoreline of LG is dotted with extravagant 7 figure homes which become the talking point of several large cruise ships that offer tours of this amazing body of water......I've had the pleasure of fishing LG hundreds of times over the last 30 yrs, and during that time I've had the opportunity to explore its intricate…


Added by Bill "Musky" Modica on December 8, 2011 at 10:00pm — 12 Comments

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Down East North Carolina Daily Double…..3/23/2025

"Understand……hope you get out soon Bruce!"
Bruce Tomaselli commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Down East North Carolina Daily Double…..3/23/2025

"I think it won't be until near the end of April until the water warms enough to start the…"
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Nice Take, Hook Set at 12 O’clock…3/23/2025

"This shot was cool with the jig visible through this crappie’s mouth… the 12…"
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Some Beautiful Clean Crappie…New Arrivals Shallow….3/23/2025

"You can tell this fish has been out deep…..very clean both sides , fins not busted up, tail…"
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Down East North Carolina Daily Double…..3/23/2025

"I hope it’s soon Bruce….looks like a pretty big warmup in the south, hope some it…"
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Down East North Carolina Daily Double…..3/23/2025

"Thanks Dick…this was our best trip for shallow crappie this year……I love…"
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo
Bruce Tomaselli commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo
dick tabbert commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo
dick tabbert commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo
Jeffrey D. Abney posted photos
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Down East North Carolina Daily Double…..3/23/2025

"Thanks John….still keep having cold fronts and clippers but the fish here are so ready to…"
John Sheehan commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Down East North Carolina Daily Double…..3/23/2025

"Beauties with Tuxedos! Good work, Jeffrey!"
Jeffrey D. Abney posted photos
Jeffrey D. Abney posted photos
Jeffrey D. Abney posted a status
"Son-in-law and I splashed this morning behind a mild cold front, 47 degrees and shifting winds ….surface temps from 56.7 to 58.1 degrees…."
John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's photo

1st bassxrap

"I dressed better the 2nd outing, Jeff! LOL Was more comfortable."
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on John Sheehan's photo

1st bassxrap

"Way to endure the cold water John…"
Mar 22
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo
Mar 22

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