Do you love big bluegill?
Here’s a group where you can share your Photography hardware, hardware reviews, photo techniques software etc to help enhance and help others in the photography of our favorite target the B’Gill.
Please add a discussion for each item such as specific camera, technique, sofware or hardware.
Write a review on your newest or favorite camera!
Thank You!!
Members: 36
Latest Activity: May 7, 2019
Hey Big Bluegill… it’s been awhile doing the collages on this site and have been asked by PM’s and telephone calls on how to construct the collages I typically show here on BBG. So I thought id take…Continue
Started by Slip Sinker Feb 2, 2018.
Started by Damon Toney. Last reply by Adam Rink Jan 27, 2018.
My daily driver photo editing software I use for BBG is Picasa 3. Ive been using this software since 2005.Nice software for retouch and adjusting photos before uploading as well as producing…Continue
Started by Slip Sinker Jan 27, 2018.
Post a hint tip and trick concerning macro photography...ask a question... find an answerpost a pic and add a brief comment on how you achieved the end product...Continue
Started by Slip Sinker. Last reply by Slip Sinker Jun 24, 2015.
thanks for joining Dick...
ouch !...on the Canon dip
ive dropped my galaxy Note in the water twice while taking fish snaps... luckily i was able to revive with the phone in the bag of instant rice trick ... now im looking seriously at waterproof point and shoots for doing most of the fish portraits. the only damage ive notice is the selfie or front camera colors seem to was out or bleach a little now.
yeah as for macro work ... i agree... practice and work will see benefit especially out in the field. i haven't come close yet to the results i want to achieve
Thanks for joining Mark...
do you have a windows pc? you should have "Move Maker by Microsoft" already installed on your computer.
if not download from here...
clips alot of unwanted segments easily from your vid.
looking forward to thread I have a gopro but having trouble editing down to reasonable size who wants to see an hour of fishing video with five fish!
I have cheep camera's and pricey ones. My best camera Is a Canon 5D with multiple interchangeable lenses. I us to always take my good camera's out on the boat with me. My wife was driving the boat and if you know my wife she drives like a maniac. Well to make a long story short after the wife showing her bottom showing me and the grand kids what the bass boat will do jumping waves and were taking on water I look down and there is my Canon digital 35 in the pool of water. Yea your right never to work again so I bought the Canon 5D to replace it with which will never see water. I bought a couple point and shoots all digital trying to fine that camera which takes that great 35mm shoots with great Macro. Macro is a funny thing your trying to focus on a little object and get that almighty close up. You'll find you have to keep working on it to focus and really need good lighting. But I'll continue looking my cheep camera does it just don't be in a hurry.
LOFR, Lve the shot posted yesterday. Not only did you catch the fish but also the Quill it....
This was taken with a motorola flip phone, I finally had to change phones and my new phone is not so easy taking pics , Thanks . LOFR
LOFR... i think that was a great snap also. it seems like it capturesaction into a still photo
what camera do you use?
LOFR... i think that was a great snap also. it seems like it captures action into a still photo
All my recent photos have been taken with my iPhone 5. Before that I used my iPad If i can help with those I'd be glad too
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