Bluegill - Big Bluegill

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Fly swaps are an opportunity for fly tiers to exchange flies with their fellow enthusiasts.
YOU tie a fly - 1 for each participating member – and you receive one from each of the members
in the swap.
One of the members agrees to be the coordinator, thereafter called the “Swapmeister.”
For this swap, your Swapmeister will be ME.

Swap Theme: Say NO TO POPPERS

Any non-popper fly which you have taken bluegill with, or is aknown gill getter is welcome...
anything but poppers.
a. Deadline to join and declare which fly you are tying - November 24, 2013.
To join, send a PERSONAL MESSAGE to ME, (the Swapmeister) and tell me which fly you're tying.
You will be added to the list, along with your chosen fly. Have a backup fly, too, in case of
duplication. Once the cutoff date passes, you must wait until next time.
b. Deadline to deliver your flies to the Swapmeister via USPS – December 14, 2013
c. PARTICIPATION IS LIMITED to 15 members   

Once you are officially part of the swap, get busy and tie your flies. TIE ONE FOR EACH MEMBER, INCLUDING YOURSELF.
Don’t delay! Make one for each member of the swap. Make ‘em nice and neat, too, then tag them.
Once your flies are complete, mail them in the proper package (see below) ALONG WITH
a S.A.S.E envelope or re-mailing postage of $3 to me at this address:

David the Swapmeister
296 West Creek Rd., Leesville, SC  29070
(your pre-paid postage ensures the Swapmeister isn’t stiffed for it.)

Once I receive all the flies, I'll split them up so everyone gets one of each fly from the other
members. Then, I'll rush them back to you.

Mailing - mail your flies in a padded envelope, but put them in a crush resistant,
REUSABLE container. The most common is an Altoids tin, or something like it.
I use this container to RETURN all your new flies in. So don't send them in just an envelope.

Tagging – Please ‘toe-tag’ your flies with the name of your pattern and your Big Bluegill name.
A toe-tag is a small strip of paper that you stick on the hook of each fly. If you tie with barbless
hooks, tie a small piece of mono to your fly’s eye and tape the tag to that.

If all participants follow these simple direction, each of you will receive your box BACK, full of
different flies from the other participants, by return mail.

Thanks everyone and have fun!

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Replies to This Discussion

Allen I lost your recipe for your Damsel already, can you hook me back up getting ready for stuff to attempt after the holiday's

I'm gonna tie what I call the big eye minnow.

Looking forward to seeing it, young buddy! Thanks - I'll make the update.

James, "Bluto" Gillette - 11th Hour Mystery Fly
Justin - Bream Candy
"Vince" Fusco - Yellow Butt Bream Fly
David "Tooty" Eiututis - SILENT STINGERS
Chris Kowaleski - Big Eyed Minnow
Angelo C. Mastrando - spider pattern
Mark Sleeper – Medusa Fly
Bill Purmort - The Roadkill
"Lucky" Dick Tabbert - Grass Shrimp
Allen, "Fuzzy" Morgan - Flicted Damsel
ME (aka "McScruff")- Squirrely Charlies

Eleven flies in the twelfth month for the fourteenth year of the twenty first century? Do I have that right?

Well, I hadn't done the math to that extent, but I'd say, "yes - that pretty much covers it!"

Thanks Allen

No Problem.

I've started keeping a text document with the name(s) of a pattern, and where on the internet I found it, complete with URL.  Makes it easy to go straight back to it.

Update: Package is supposed to be arriving today around noon. 

I won't be able to tie til I get back home on the 2nd. So there is only 10 participating members? 

We made it to 11, Angelo.

David, My flies are on the way!  go through all the packets as there is one marked for you with a note...can't wait to see the haul we get from everyone.  Have a great day tomorrow with your family.



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