Bluegill - Big Bluegill

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As many of you know, I was fortunate to be part of a group of like minded souls who spent some time in Bruce's company this past weekend. I've known Bruce for a little while now, but this was my first chance to interact with him on a more extended, personal level.

Bruce opened his home, as well as his personal water,  to myself and everyone else who attended. Those of you who have been members of BBG for some time are already aware of his generosity and compassion, but rest assured that it transcends and encompasses far more than what we experience on the pages of this site. I believe it is truly boundless.

And yes, I managed to catch a fish or two. And while I realize that photos are a big part of who, and what we are here at BBG, the simple truth is what I saw and experienced cannot be done adequate justice by any photographic effort. The real message would be lost in a sea of pixels.

My friends, I'm asking all of you to please do something for me. Look around the site here at BBG.....think about what it means to you, about what you've learned from being here, what we've shared, what we've experienced  together.....then, think about who makes it all guy. Bruce.

Please, if you enjoy BBG, post a reply to Bruce in this thread and let him know it. It doesn't matter if it's a paragraph, a sentence, or just one word.........thanks.

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You're welcome Vince.  But as I've said before, this site is nothing but a shell without core members who add content, humor, generosity, good natured ribbing and fishing pictures.  Thanks to you, Vince.

I believe David has said everything I could say. As one of the few women on this site I feel welcome and safe sharing my views and love for bluegill fishing. Thank you Bruce for such an informative site and bringing a family of some of the greatest fishermen together!!!!

Well said by all the members who have commented......I'm very glad Bruce was "snowed in a couple days" and took the time to initiate what we all know now as love the core values of this respect, courtesy, kindness to name just a few......You can join one day and feel like "part of the family" the next....that's awesome! Without my membership here,  I would rarely come into contact with folks that share a passion for sunfish comparable to mine....It has been a pleasure to read blogs, study the discussions, share ideas and capture it all in photos with this audience and many folks that haven't joined yet....Just this past weekend I was fishing on a local river when I motored towards the launch to call it a day.....Another angler was approaching the launch ahead of me when he slowed his boat and killed his outboard...No worries I thought, he just wants to discuss today's action as many anglers often do....I was surprised when he asked.."You wouldn't happen to be Mr. Abney would you?"...when I answered yes... he said "I can't google a thing about panfishing around here without getting a link to that "bluegill site"???? Bigbluegill I believe it is.."  He went on to say "what a great and informative site that is".....I encouraged the gentleman to join us and he paused and said he was a private person but may consider because he has been poking around now almost daily for a couple weeks and just loves the passion and respect......That's the best testimony I have to date and the ironic thing is I found the site the same way on a cold, wet and miserable mid January day back in 2011 and like John Sheehan and many anglers I consider a friend, I visit almost daily....A big thanks to Bruce Condello for putting it all together and keeping it what it is! All members should be proud of the fact that we function in a first class manner no matter who we are or where we're from....I have fished with several members to date and have plans to fish with more...none of that would have happened without the networking on this great site.....Top Shelf Bruce!

Jeffrey, thank you for sharing that. And that part about the fellow angler who recognized you by way of BBG...Very cool!

And to that anonymous angler, in case he should read this: We're always glad to have another member! We've got plenty of room for everyone.

Bruce, I BELIEVED I was the only GUY that FISHED for BLUEGILL, well except for a CLOSE FRIEND I introduced to the FLY ROD and BLUEGILL!!!!!! They introduce me to this site!!!!!!!! SEPTEMBER  25 of  '08 Bruce WELCOMED me to the BEST SITE on the WEB!!!!! Now there are 4032 BIGBLUEGILL MEMBERS, THAT IS INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!


It's hard to say enough good about Bruce and about Somebody said this is the best fishing site on the 'net, and while I agree with that 100%, I'll go farther and just say it's the best site, period. There is no site I've ever seen that has the level of community and respect that BBG does. I have yet to meet any of the other BBG members, but I feel like you're all my friends nevertheless. If I had to give up membership in every website or forum in which I participate but one, it wouldn't even require any thought; BBG would clearly be the one I kept.

I've had so much on my plate that I passed the entire summer without a chance to go fishing, but BBG lets me fish vicariously through the great fishing trip posts and photos from the rest of you.

BBG truly is the best, starting with Bruce, who is clearly a man of great integrity and who truly loves the sport of fishing.

Thank you, Bruce, for everything you've done here!


  THE older I get the more I like relaxing and reading comments on here and studying the vast quantity of pics posted on this site. In my own small way hope I have contributed to the site cause that's what most of us do , is try to contribute in our own ways with ideas , photos , blogs etc. I'm a better fisherman now because of this site and have long lasting admiration for not only Bruce, but Dick Tabbert, Walt Foreman ( SIMPLY A GREAT ROD BUILDER) , AND all the fly pattern contributors on here . SInce My friendship with Sir Jeffrey Abney has started he opened my mind up to different sized hooks , color combinations , and in general developing patterns for panfish. Can't say thanks to him enough for helping me on the journey to being a better fisherman and tier .
   I'm retired and nothing better to do in life , besides daily chores, than reflect on life's little pleasures and what brings us each pleasure. THIS SITE IS MY GO TO PLACE TO RELAX , AND FORGET ABOUT THE DRUDGERY OF EVERY DAY LIFE.....

   I can't easily count the people on this site I owe so much too , but BRUCE IS #1 , cause without his insight none of this would likely ever have happened.

   Jim Gronaw , David , Dick , Carl , and so many others are just great fellas of like mind , each with his or her slant on things ....... Lets' not forget the lovely LADY JEN NAY FLY , whose flies have few equals . That's the one thing this site lacks in my opinion is more Lady's to keep us old foogies in Line ......


Mite as well put my two cents worth in, dont remember when or how I found BBG.C put its a fun place to poke around & the only one that caters to gills & the people who enjoy fish'n for them, and regaurdless of ther weapon of choice or tactics for catch'n gills we all love it & benifit from the variety info traded, no wher else have I been able to find the info on gills as I do here on BBG.C, which make site very unique & a "go to" site for anything blue gill.


Long live BBG.C, & a tip of the hat to Bruce, who ever you are.

Thanks, Bruce!!!  I have learned a lot from this site from different fishermen. I also have found a fishing friend that lives in the same town I do.  Thanks for a site that connects giller's from around the nation. God bless you and God bless this great land where we have the freedom of speech to share with each other. While I am at it, God bless all veteran's who paid the price for our freedom.


You're welcome, buddy. :)

Tony.  You're the best.  'Nuff said. ;)

Absolutely love this website,without Bruce we wouldnt have it.So i would like to thank you very much sir.This my equivalent to facebook,my fishbook if you will.Once again,Thank  You.......


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John Sheehan commented on Troy Dorman's photo

Big male redear from today!!

"Fine Fish1From shore also!"
1 hour ago
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Troy Dorman's photo

Big male redear from today!!

"Pretty Troy…..let’s go!"
15 hours ago
Troy Dorman posted a photo
15 hours ago
Jeffrey D. Abney posted photos
16 hours ago
Jeffrey D. Abney posted photos
16 hours ago
Jeffrey D. Abney posted photos
16 hours ago
Jeffrey D. Abney posted a status
"Grandson Cody and I splashed this afternoon…mixed bag of 38 fish dominated by shallow black crappie…surface temperatures up to 66.2 degrees"
16 hours ago
Jeffrey D. Abney posted photos
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Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Down East North Carolina Daily Double…..3/23/2025

"Understand……hope you get out soon Bruce!"
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Down East North Carolina Daily Double…..3/23/2025

"I think it won't be until near the end of April until the water warms enough to start the…"
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"This shot was cool with the jig visible through this crappie’s mouth… the 12…"
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Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

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dick tabbert commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo
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Jeffrey D. Abney posted photos
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Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Down East North Carolina Daily Double…..3/23/2025

"Thanks John….still keep having cold fronts and clippers but the fish here are so ready to…"
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