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I was using the Palomar Knot but have since taught myself the Snell Knot. The snell knot is hard to learn, but once learned, you'll love it. It supposedly allows a better hookup when you set the hook because of it's in plane relationship with the hook. The snell knot is tied directly around the shank of the hook, allowing a very direct pull when setting the hook. I can honestly say I've missed far fewer fish since going to this knot.


With most other knots, you are tying off to the eye of the hook. The problem with this scenario is that the knot can move all around the eye, side to side. This would detract from having a direct in line pull that the snell provides by being whipped around the shank of the hook. What type of knot do most of you use? I've also used various forms of the clinch knot, not a big fan of that knot.


Knot tying is a very important and underrated part of our sport. I'm a knot nerd though, I've own lots of books on the subjects of knots. But fishing knots are what got me hooked on learning about knots in the first place.

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I use several knots. I rely mostly on the Trilene knot for terminal connections, i.e., hooks, lures, etc. It is a modification of the Improved Clinch knot, and offers 97% retention of inherent line strength.

I use dropper knot (Blood knot) for loops and that sort of thing.

For leader-to-line joins I tend to go with a Surgeons knot or a version of the Blood Knot.


Ive tinkered around with various knots over time, as I suppose most avid fishermen will. But I tend to settle on what works and that which is also simple to tie in the field.

I use trilene and palomar alot of the time. I also have a couple books on knots and plan on this winter learning a few. Knot knowledge is something i really need.
Use the Surgeons Knot, Surgeons Loop and  Dropper Loop usually, fairly simple & quick for the most part.
Cobra ,thanks very much for this great link!
I like the uniknot or Duncan's loop for the majority of situations. Very strong with solid hookups.
Being a fly fisher, I use mostly the Orvis knot or the Perfection Loop to tie on the hooks. Use the Blood Knot for all leader to tippet knots.
I am getting blind as a bat with galcoma, but I have to agree with David on this one. The perfered knot when you are fishing is the one you can tie fast and easy and have faith you are getting the best inherent line strenght so not to break when fighting that big fish. I have used several over the years but have found the improved clinch to be my favorite..Just a thought


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