Bluegill - Big Bluegill

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Got a late start Saturday morning.  Couldn't wait to get the kids out on the water.  They were as ready as I was.  Dropped the boat about 8:30 but it would not start.  I went twice last week and no issues but it just would not start.  Dropped the trolling motor and went on out to a couple of close spots so we could get some lines in the water.  Got about 6 lines out and started slow trolling a cove.  No takers so I decided to head out to a little deeper water and attempt to start the boat again so that we could head down the lake to some fishing spots.  Still no go.  Walked back to the back of the boat and gave the fuel bulb a good squeeze.  The fuel line flies off of the connector that is at the engine and spews gas and oil all over my face and hair.  I couldn't really breathe for a short while I don't think.  My face felt like it was really on fire.  I could barely see but scared to open my eyes as the gasoline was running down my face from my hair.  It just happened so quickly and unexpectedly.  I had invited a friend to go along so he was in the boat with my 10 yr. old daughter and my four year old son.  My friend had no experience on the water so my worry was that he would not know what to do once I did what I felt like i was about to have to do.  I didn't have a life jacket on (my kids did and I always make them from the minute they get out of the car) I couldn't open my eyes enough to find one and couldn't talk well enough for them to hand me one.  I dove off the back of the boat into the water.  A lot of things went through my mind as I went under the water.  One thing I remember thinking was "hear I am again wondering how my own stupidity never ceases to amaze me." I smiled as the burning was starting to ease.  Somehow I come back up at the side of the boat.  I held on to the side of the boat and it took me about 15 minutes to get the gas completely off of me.  My face was still burning even after I got out of the water but not bad.  I think that if i had not got it off as fast as I did it would have been a lot worse.  I laughed about the fact that I knew the boat was going to start just fine now and it did.  Don't understand why there was so much pressure built up in the gas tank?  It started immediately. Fish didn't want to cooperate much.  Caught a few.  I will post a shot of logan reeling one in.  I did find a new large bluegill bed while we were there so the day wasn't wasted.  I thank God that everyone come off of the water Saturday ok.  It could have been a lot worse.  I do my best to learn from my mistakes and I made several.  Even though we didn't fill the cooler Saturday we gained some experience on the water and lived to fish another day. 

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Comment by Leo Nguyen on June 13, 2012 at 3:59pm

We learn daily from our mistakes. No matter how bad or good the day is, we always learn something new. Just have fun and learn more.

Comment by Ronnie M. on June 13, 2012 at 3:19pm

Shawn, good to hear everything worked out in the end. WOW gas in your face, you did the right thing getting the gas off you as quickly as you could.

Glad that the boat started after that and the day wasn't wasted. It's always good to find new beds to fish and hope your next trip goes better for you.

Comment by dick tabbert on June 11, 2012 at 12:38pm

Shawn I'm glad it wasn't worse than it was and in my heart I know that there was something learned from the experience. Just sorry it was a painful and scarey experience though. Some time some of the littlest things can make for a bad day. Sorry I missed you post I have been neglecting the Blogs but will keep myself more aware and get in the blogs more obtain. Like I said glad it wasn't worse especially with kids on board we always have to make them our #1 priority as I know you did. Later Shawn and GOOD FISHIN..

Comment by Tony Livingston on June 11, 2012 at 12:20pm

Yep, that gasoline do smart a bit on sensitive skin. Glad everything worked out OK.

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