It is always a pleasure when you can take kids who have seldom if ever been fishing, and put them on top of a good school of bluegill. I knew when I left the house this morning that it was going to be a day when I didn't get to fish myself. Even the father of the kids who were with me was as inexperienced as they were. I had to show each of them how to hold the pole, bait a cricket, and remove a fish from a hook. Within an hour you would think they were all seasoned fisherman to hear them talk.…
Added by Tom Beauchamp on June 1, 2010 at 2:00pm —
I have been catching these small sucker or chub like fish this year for the first time and dont know what species it is. They seem to like small artificials ,wormpieces and mealworms though. They came out of a small New Jersey brook and hang out with suckers ,chubs and stocked Trout.Any one know what it is?
May 92 RB.jpg
Added by John Sheehan on May 9, 2010 at 8:30am —
About 30 minutes from me in Columbus, Georgia, there's a ritzy family resort called Callaway Gardens. The resort has a main lake of around 120 acres. It's a fee based lake where one can rent a boat and trolling motor for $35.00 for a half day's fishing. An angler may take 7 bluegill well over 1 1/2 pounds, 7 bass, and all of the crappie he can tote! I talked with the fisheries biologist, and he said that the gill limit is low (at one time an angler could take home 15 gills), but due to the…
Added by Nick Holt on April 27, 2010 at 3:00pm —
Guys this little item is a must if you are fishing larger ponds and small lakes. I am talking about my Pelican Raider 8 ft. pontoon boat. Two individuals’ can fish comfortable with room for your tackle. The seats can slide forward and backward depending on how much leg room one needs. I decided to add an anchor in case I am in…
Added by Bill Trussell on May 4, 2010 at 5:02pm —
Big Bluegill gets visits from six different continents, Europe, North America, South America, Africa, Asia, and Australia, as well as 46 different states.
All in ONE DAY!!!
April 24, 2010 was a great day for Big Bluegill.
Thanks everybody for keeping this such a civil, and friendly place to be!
Added by Bruce Condello on April 25, 2010 at 7:30am —
I got to do a spur of the moment trip to Richmond Mill to help Bob Lusk to stock some largemouth. Naturally I had to do a little fishing while I was there.…
Added by Bruce Condello on March 22, 2010 at 5:30am —
Every so often I have a fishing trip that will remain in my memory for a long, long time. I can't say forever, as I haven't reached that stage in my life yet. I can remember unbelievable catch rate trips, first fish trips, and of course everyone remembers big fish trips. Today's trip doesn't fall into any of those trip types. In all actuality, the fishing was below average. The company however was top shelf material.
I was to meet an indivual I knew only through the www.…
Added by Zig on March 8, 2010 at 8:07pm —
From my last entry, the area went through a high water period (a few days over flood stage). I did attempt a trip, as I figured I needed to fish in all conditions if I wanted to gain a true understanding of the waterway.
It was a bust.
Then we had snow...............record snowfall that kept us away from any fishing. When we did see a window, we took it. Following is how the few hours played out:
I really don't know what to report from the trip Z and I took to…
Added by Zig on February 26, 2010 at 9:00pm —
Float Fishing Tactics & Rigs
the Floating Blog - information for fishing live bait using sensitive float fishing gear.…
Added by Johnny wilkins on February 9, 2010 at 10:00pm —
Dear Mr. 2lbgill,
I just wanted to let you know that you are a huge inspiration for this site. I saw your website, a while before this site existed and I remember thinking what a cool deal that it was that you took time to create such a nice place for bluegill lovers. It was a big inspiration for
I've noticed…
Added by Bruce Condello on February 17, 2010 at 2:00pm —
Thanks to strong demand for bluegill packages, Richmond Mill is creating some package deals for groups of four or more.
Without question, Richmond Mill is nirvana for big bluegill enthusiasts. Bluegill average over one pound, and two-pounders are possible for those with a lot of skill, and a little luck.
I've been to this place and I was amazed at the quality of people, and the fishing experience.…
Added by Bruce Condello on February 3, 2010 at 12:00pm —
1 Comment
Largemouth bass love small sunfish for dinner.
This is an 8-pound bass replica and 5.5-inch bluegill replica.…
Added by Tim Overbaugh on January 9, 2010 at 10:30pm —
Well, I finally got to do a little ice fishing for some big yellow perch out in western Maryland at Deep Creek Lake. I stayed with my friend Ron and we fished 2 1/2 days on the lake and were joined the last half-day with our buddy Dan. I wish I could tell you that we murdered them, but the truth is that we worked very hard for a total of 58 yellow perch and one walleye during that time frame.
As of Jan 1, 2010, the Maryland DNR has imposed a 10 perch daily limit…
Added by Jim Gronaw on January 17, 2010 at 7:14pm —
Hey y'all, got to fish the warmwater discharge at Brunner Island today on the Susquehanna River in PA. Good wading conditions, low water, clear, but tough fishing. Cold this early AM- 12 F with some wind.
Ran into one guy who got 6 smallmouths from 13 to 17 inches on 1/8 th oz jigs. I got my first fish of the year...a 18 inch channel cat on a Zoom Fat Albert on a 3/16 th oz jig. Also got yet another cat on the jig and a nice 16 inch smallie on the same. Missed about 6 or 8 strikes.…
Added by Jim Gronaw on January 5, 2010 at 1:35pm —
After we took the kids back inside to their mothers and their eventual naptimes, I headed back out with my mom and dad to try and figure out how to fill up a 5 gallon bucket full of them pesky little bluegills. The bluegill were hugging tight to the bottom (according to my good friend Vexilar) and werent moving around or interested in eating much. Typically when we…
Added by Nate Herman on December 20, 2009 at 1:53pm —
No Comments
Literally. It wasnt but just a couple years ago and I was changing their diapers and rocking them to sleep. Now I am baiting their hooks, removing their fish, snapping tons of photos, and just having a great time fishing and exploring the outdoors with these gals! Yesterday we spent about an hour hiking down to the pond, drilling and scooping out numerous holes just for…
Added by Nate Herman on December 20, 2009 at 1:42pm —
Hey gang, I know that it's warm in the south and starting to freeze -up in the north, but I just thought I'd pass along some tactics that have worked for me the past many years once the water temperatures drop below 50 F down even to as low as 38 F in 'open-water' scenarios in the Mid-Atlantic.
I utilize hairjigs that I tie in several options and sizes. This is not a blog designed to advertise my product, but rather to help winter time panfishermen use what I believe to be a deadly…
Added by Jim Gronaw on December 1, 2009 at 5:46pm —
Let me start by saying that I could make this blog post go on forever. I just came back from the best bluegill fishing of my life, so I'm a little fired up.
I'll try to keep it short.
Richmond Mill Lake is in North Carolina. It's a private, managed fishery that world-renowned pond and lake manager Bob Lusk has been in charge of.
Jim Morgan is the owner. He recognizes beauty and opportunity when he sees them, and…
Added by Bruce Condello on October 31, 2009 at 7:00am —
In fact, I’m going to go over them right now so I will have a clear understanding of what ya’ll should expect from me.
I promise to abide by the rules, and enjoy it!
I pledge not to cross the line, although I’m not too sure I’ll pledge to stay in line. I got a paddling at school in the 1rst grade for that. It was the after lunch, back to class line. I was in it, it started moving and I went with it all the way back to the classroom and sat down in my desk just like we’d…
Added by bluegillboogieman on October 11, 2009 at 1:00pm —
It is very rewarding to see the excitement on a new anglers face, young or old, when they catch their first fish. The history of this excitement can be traced all the way to the caveman days when the children were taught by their elders how to gather food and catch fish. When the child caught their first fish, I am sure that they were welcomed back at their dwelling with smiles and admiration.
The reason why the size of the fish is…
Added by Marty Rogers on September 4, 2009 at 7:06pm —