Do you love big bluegill?
I am new to Ohio and love to fish for bluegills could someone point me to 2-4 best lakes in Ohio. Thanks
I recently moved to a new city here in the grand ole state of Wisconsin and can't seem to find gills anywhere and Lake Link has been no help. All the locals fish for Pike and Bass which isn't terrible but panfish are more of a staple food in my household.. I'm at my wits end searching and searching to no avail, so what's a fella to do?
Added by Joshawa Carey on August 24, 2013 at 9:02pm — 5 Comments
Well, I figured it was about time to say hello on here. I made my account a year or two back and never really used it, but I plan to be more active on the forum now as I see there is a lot of knowledge to gain off the forum. I will state right off the bat I will likely be one of the younger members here, but I also have a lot of fishing experience. I hope I can learn a lot from some of you guys! I will tell you guys a little bit about me, so you have a general idea of who I am.
ContinueAdded by Andrew S. on August 22, 2013 at 5:51pm — No Comments
so i am thinking about starting to feed a spot i fish on a regular basis, i have heard fish chow, dog food even corn. any one have any thoughts or knowledge on feeding fish in a creek fed pond. its mostly blue gill green sun fish and cat fish. also this years seems to be tons of hybrids. a few small mouth bass. whats the best thing to put out for the money? the pond has enough room for them to get larger and plenty of fish but they all seem very average to small. so i thought maybe giving a…
ContinueAdded by Mark on August 12, 2013 at 10:42am — 9 Comments
Went Longnose Gar fishing last night and had a blast!. Because of their narrow mouths these fish are extremely hard to hook and they are MASTERS at stealing live bait. Got skunked, but still had fun because of the challenge.
Added by Ben Seay on August 10, 2013 at 1:30am — 4 Comments
Thrift store pill box, $1
I sanded off the lettering on the day markers so I can label each segment as I wish.
Add split shot, hooks, small lures and you have a mini tackle box.
Get enough of them like I have and you can keep lots…
ContinueAdded by David, aka, "McScruff" on August 2, 2013 at 6:11pm — 9 Comments
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