Bluegill - Big Bluegill

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A third of today's Flier Catch......36 Total....

Another Cold weather fresh fish fry in the making....Fliers were caught near bottom in six to eight feet of water....very light biters today...most of the time the cork didn't even go under......

  • Currently 4/5 stars.

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Comment by David, aka, "McScruff" on November 17, 2012 at 7:54pm

I've yet to find the "one size fits all" bait, be it live or artificial.

I DO find the connection between colder water and red an interesting one, if indeed there is a connection. It is worth trying, anyway.

Comment by DAVID L EITUTIS on November 17, 2012 at 7:52pm

GREAT CATCH JEFFREY, and will throw my two cents in on Red. Before this year I olny used red sparingly on bugs due to it's brightness. Red &white stingers always did work for me in the hot summer months , but not so much the rest of the year. During early spring I'd use Yellow beadheads with red tail and red legs with some success, but very definately a sporadic combination. SInce the inseption of the Cotton Candy's I'm using a reg tail, or tag some call it, more often and it seems to be working. I've caught more and bigger fish this past fall , September and October, on blue and blue & white combo more than all others combined up here. GO figure , I never made many blue bugs before this year as Purple was always my number one color with yellow and chartruese as tied for second place. I switch bugs alot in the course of a days fishing and keep at it till I have tried everything............

Comment by dick tabbert on November 17, 2012 at 7:31pm

Tony there is no such animal not on a single jig. We may have our favorites but your right color, size and even the shape. You may think you have everything honed in and something as small as an overcast and things might change up and even the time of day and the direction sun meaning the angle it hits the water. I don't think we will ever find that perfect jig but whats working at the time but at a moments notice that could all change. I will almost always fish more than one color on my jig because I think color is one of the most important factors. You may be catching fish left and right and all of a sudden they stop. Now you have to do some reasoning as to why. Is it because the sun went behind that cloud or maybe it was overcast and the sun came out. If you find that perfect lure, color and size feel free to share. I personally don't think that animal exists at least not all the time there are to many variables that have to be dealt with. Sorry I didn't mean to babble but you did open an interesting topic.

Comment by Tony Livingston on November 17, 2012 at 6:47pm

The color red usually figures prominently on the jig that I toss right out of the gate.....definitely in colder water..... BUT, I have an assortment of colors, shapes and sizes, just like all BG anglers do. I like red, and I generally take fish on it, but I won't hesitate to switch things up if need be.

Red and tiny may be my starting point, but it certainly isn't what's always tied to the end of my line when the day is over. I encourage everyone to give it a try, but not to the extent that you fail to experiment with anything else. I'm still looking for the jig/color/ size/ that will take fish all day, everyday......and I expect to look for a long time.

Comment by David, aka, "McScruff" on November 17, 2012 at 6:36pm

Some nice fliers in that mess.

All this talk of tied jigs and red trailers has me hankerin to try my hand at making some.

Comment by Jeffrey D. Abney on November 17, 2012 at 6:03pm

I'm not ready to take the lead guide position yet Tony but I'm surviving....tried some things that didn't work today but that's part of fishing and figuring out what the fish might hit under the conditions on that day....

Comment by Tony Livingston on November 17, 2012 at 5:58pm

A dozen gills in your conditions is doing Ok in my book..... We'll make a cold water convert out of you yet, Jeffrey......


Comment by Jeffrey D. Abney on November 17, 2012 at 5:42pm

Thanks Dick.....the Flier bite helped me salvage my trip.....I only managed 11 medium gills and several channel cats until I located the Fliers and wound up catching 36 before I ran out of live Grass Shrimp to tip with......

Comment by dick tabbert on November 17, 2012 at 5:32pm

Wow Jeffrey quit a catch.

Comment by Jeffrey D. Abney on November 17, 2012 at 5:20pm

I may keep another mess of Fliers before the end of November but I don't keep them after that because the females start growing their eggs getting ready for a February/March spawn in our region......females lay between 20,000 to 35,000 eggs a piece in big groups like Bluegill do......

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