Bluegill - Big Bluegill

Do you love big bluegill?

What state would you choose to fish Bluegill if you could only pick one?

We are fortunate to have members from all over this great nation...One of my favorite things about is the instant connection with the people that love and enjoy the same things that I do when it comes to all things Bluegill from folks all over the country.....Many of us have also had the great experience of fishing several different states whether vacationing, traveling for work or as a result of moving..... If you could pick one state to fish Bluegill, what state would it be and why? Thanks for sharing and I expect this may be a difficult choice for some and very easy for others.....Again, thanks in advance!

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      Louisiana ----- But can't make a comparision because I never fished in other states.   I kinda lean to fishing for goggle-eye (warmouth) mostly and think LA has a slight edge over other states.  The crawfish / grass shrimp / frogs etc. and temperature help out with any type of freshwater fish your after in LA especially bluegill / goggle-eye.   But no mater what state is your choice take a kid / grandkid fishing with you and enjoy the scenery.   

Up north we call rock bass goggle-eye

I think I too would pick Louisiana, the Atchafalya Basin,  an  unbelievable fishery. bluegill get big in this natural setting fighting snakes , turtles, gators, and bigger fish in a natural setting , " Swamps" , But since Louisiana isn't  out my backdoor I cant complain about living in Arkansas. We have swampy areas too, and world record trout, world record walleye, and some great smallmouth fishing. If I wanted to go to a pond where they feed the fish like hogs , we have that too , 10 miles down the road , Farleys Fish Farm in Cash , Arkansas. They raise all kinds of fish to all sizes . It's easy to catch big bluegill when you feed them and have them pinned up. Some of the biggest Hybrids I have ever caught was at Kevin McReynolds pond after I  threw a coffee can of fish food  to them , they looked like  piranna churning the water,and I filled up the cooler.      LOFR

Well, I wouldn't go quite that far. Our fish are fed, and they can still be tough to catch. Remember that in our ponds at least the fish are fished for very regularly, and catch and release is strictly enforced, so the fish become accustomed to everything you can throw at them, and they get smart....real smart. If it's catch and keep, well then that might be different. Not all situations are the same, but I understand what you're saying.

I agree on the Warmouth fishing in Louisiana Wag.......And three cheers on fishing with your grandchildren!

Leo, you beat me to it. I was going to say Bruce's ponds. Jeff, I would love to fish the places you fish,some beautiful pics you take

I heard that Arkansas had good Gill fishing. Just got into the Gill fishing experience so don't know why I would go. Would be nice to visit a new state, seeing new lakes meeting local's  

I travel quite a bit Angelo and my gear goes with me.....I've fell in to some good gill fishing just by asking around the new places...

I've lived in many states in my life.  I consider Oklahoma to be home; it's where I've spent the majority of my life.  I've fished for anything that bends my pole(s) in small streams, larger streams, good-sized rivers, man-made impoundments of all sizes, etc.  There are A LOT of fish to be caught here.

However, I might have to go with Michigan.  I lived up there for over 4 years.  I wasn't fishing back then, but there were lakes, sloughs, and swamps EVERYWHERE!  Perfect areas for fishing for bluegills, especially with my kayak.

Looks like I'll have to add Michigan to my long bucket list of places to drag my NuCanoe to, Allen.

I pondered for 24 hours and had mixed emotions......most people including me are passionate about the state they grew up in so that puts Louisiana near and dear to my heart.......Caught gills in lakes, rivers, creeks and ponds in Louisiana so I went everywhere......I lived in the Low Country of South Carolina for 13 years and caught by biggest Bluegill ever in Lake Moultrie......I've caught nice stringers in Mississippi, Florida, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia as well........But when all the chips are played for me, NORTH CAROLINA would be my destination! The best Coppernose fishing I've ever experienced is here, diversity in sunfish species is another awesome feature of the Tarheel State........I have enjoyed everyone's posts in regards to their favorite state!

I look back on this comment from April and kind of chuckle.....I caught some nice fish earlier this year on a trip to Louisiana, I traveled to South Carolina with work several times and had some good days on the Cooper and Back rivers but it turns out my best Bluegill season since 2003 is this year and 95% of that was in North Carolina.....It has been amazing and my top five after yet another great year is as follows:


 1. North Carolina: I fish the Northeast Corner..blackwater rivers most often.....

 2. South Carolina: anywhere in the Low Country but the Cooper and Back Rivers are $$....

 3. Louisiana: I'm a when I get back, it's always fun....

 4. Virginia: I'm too close not to hit the tidewater area a few times a year......

 5. Mississippi: Been a while, but trips I went on as a kid still cross my mind often.....


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