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Thinking about Fly tying and talking to Greg said this is a good place to starting asking about tying. Never tied a fly and need something cheap, checked out Cabela's and Bass Pro Shop has some cheap one's for $15-$60 for a just a Vise or I could get of the whole trout tying kit for 80 bucks with some tool's/vise included. Wondering in personally experience what would you guy's recommend. What do I need to begin? I have no clue what I'am talking about. Need help.  Thanks all..

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Well, I can't offer any real advice, as I don't fly fish, nor do I tie flies.

However, from what I've read, doing this is likened to stepping off a drop-off in a lake.  It gets obsessive, like golf.  You find yourself getting all these things to tie flies.

I wish you luck.  There's nothing like catching fish on something you made yourself.

Angelo, You might not want to listen to Greg, he might drag you off into a BLACK HOLE, as Boogie would say!!!!!!

 That being said, I started with a kit with material, hook and vice!!!!!!! It was a BassPro kit wasn't the most expensive but it had materials to tie lots of flies!!!!!!! You will up with more materials as you learn!!!!!!! It is a great hobbie and obsesion!!!!!!!

Watch these guys!!!

Greg is right on this one. I have a friend's $50 kit, as well as some one's old cheap kit that over 30 years old. Either one works well for me. Learn to tie basic flies, and after a few hundred or thousands, if you like it, go with better vise setup. Trust me when I say it can get very addictive. By the way, fly tying vise can also help you with making custom jigs painting and skirting. Really fun stuff.

Listening to every1 im getting the idea it's addictive lol. I will be getting the cheapest kit I can get to practice to see if this is what I will love doing just as fishing. I may take a few flies to get the basic's down.  

I can offer some advice Angelo: start out with the least expensive kit you can find. If you decide you like tying then progress to some other level. I'm not a know it all but having tied a few bugs and flies I'm speaking from experience. I"ve done over 10,000 flies and I started out with the best I could afford cause I knew it was something I was going to like.

  Renzetti's , Dyna Kings, and a few other high end vices are fine if that's what you want . I started out with a Tank of a vice and almost indestructible called a Regal . There is a cheap knock off model of the Regal and I understand they are very good and a 1/3 the price of the Regal.
  The real satisfaction will come when you start catching fish on your flies and better yet someone else catches fish on em. I LOVE THE STORIES I GET FROM some of my people who use my stuff.

  Actually you don't need alot of stuff after the initial layout of money unless you plan on tying some exotic stuff. Sometimes buying quality stuff has an advantage also.
  You are about to embark on a hobby you can take to any level of accomplishment and it can get addictive and find your self in your tying room all hours of the day or night.
  Good luck and you'll enjoy it!


Thanks David, Interest in trying it, I'am going to start off small & cheap. Bass Pro Shop has a nice cheap tying kit for $80 bucks like I said. As you said as I feel more comfortable and will move on to more better standard's.  Also the Kit comes with a DVD on tying basic's.

i would suggest also,that you look for a fly fishing store in your area,most offer classes in fly tying and you will get a better feel for it as well as meet others that will share knowledge in the art! good luck,it is addictive!

It's a little travel to my fly store being over 1hr and 30mins away. But Orvis does have fly tying lesson's every so often I think. Thanks for the advice did not think about that. 


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