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CHRISTMAS 2017  Ice And Snow

Hope that Santa’s awake, alert, and alive, with Christmas upon us I’m getting some strong vibes.

So many vibes with no ice on the pond, I set here and wonder just what went wrong.

I hope it’s not this global warming thing we all here about, I just want some new ice so I can get out.

Get out and wet a line is tops on my list, maybe it can happen with some help from Saint Nick.

We know he travels all over the place, with a sleigh full of gifts wrapped with ribbon and lace.

Just a thought or two about the ice we don’t have, this ice that I want really wanted so bad.

I really wanted to walk on hard water called ice, It would be truly magnificent and really be nice.

I would drill holes all over the place, for the awesome fish maybe even make me some of Jim’s favorite fishcakes.

Well I guess that won’t happen this is so very true, my wife say’s I’ve named all with names like Mr. Blue.

My pets they may be with not harming a one, but fishing for them is still so very much fun.

There growing and healthy and making me proud, sometime they jump and slash the water so loud.

So here we go with a destination to cast, oh my goodness I caught a nice one a good one atlas.

Well the one I caught was old Fred and like my wife she said, I looked him over and kissed him and release him back instead.

Instead of the fillet knife with wouldn’t be nice, so Fred’s he still with use maybe under the ice.

Couldn’t bring myself to hurting old Mr. Fred, since I’ve caught him before on my ponds third favorite ledge.

Well enough about Fred and more about you, hope your all safe at Christmas and News Years to.

I hope your all safe and your wishes come true, I hope this Christmas blesses your families and you.

I hope your blessings all come true you know, nothing wrong with even some snow.

Some snow for the reindeer to pull Santa with glee, snow then Santa deer can travel and make pulling with ease.

Then we have Jeffrey who says who needs snow, in the Carolinas here to many fishing spots here to go.

Then we have Led Hed who’s dog we all know, first on the raft and ready to go.

Then we have Slip that Michigan Guru, who fishes and fishes the lake’s though and through.

With no rocks gone unfished and weed beds fished to, he’ll fish them spots heavy fish them through and through.

Then we have Leo who’s spying on Led Hed you know, trying to see where Led’s a fishing so that he might know were to go.

He moved next door to Led Hed move right in with ease, he moved right next to Led Hed for some secrets he can seize.

Now we have the Tennessee man we all call Carl, who’ll fish and fish like there were no tomorrow.

Big hearted jokester Carl we all seem to know, who brings happiness to all of us this is his favorite goal.

Carl a man and all of us we know, he has a heart of steel but soft as a marshmallow.

Then we have Lord of the flyrod who we should all get to  know, the man can cook and cook and cook this is what I’m told.

The man can cook and cook that southern country food, the food we all dream about and get you in the mood.

I’m talking just for me you know not anyone else indeed, but after all that good food you know a nap I’m sure I’ll need.

Then most know that man I know west of Ohio, the man from Nebraska who works on pretty smiles.

The mans a die hard cornhusker you know we really know, but don’t let him work on your teeth the week they play Ohio.

I’m not sure but I have herd he trembles all that week, he’s not quite sure and talks so low you might say very meek.

Now it’s time for me to go it would be so nice, If only I can hit that hard water on a thing we call ice.

But for now my BBG friends I’ve come to really know, I hoping this for you a white Christmas with lots of pretty snow.

MERRY CHRISTMAS………………………………………….

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Hoping the best for you and yours Dick. Thnx for all your posts and input to BBC.


Great work Dick........hope you get the hard water soon! Hard to believe it's going to be 2018........where does time go folks!

LOL A blessed Christmas, with a glorious new year to you and your families Dick.

   Merry Christmas Dick ! I hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas and a   Happy New Year   and you can keep all the ice and snow up there this year , I know yall like hard water .   LOFR

HaHa!... Merry Christmas Dick!... hope you get that ice this year!

Ice looking real good so far so good.


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tracy willis commented on Joe's photo


"very nice fish.  im ready for warm weather too."
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"Now that's an eater. Gourgious "
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"Nice bass Joe"
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