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Oct 9, 2013 Hackle, Ants and Floatant

Small hackle flies and ants caught fish today.
The flies were refurbs, tied over some old #16 trout flies I've had hanging around. These old flies have a bit of floss or chenille remaining after decades, but that's it.

So rather than throw them out, I use them as a base to which I add hackle, wings, etc. Some might call me cheap for doing this; but I like to think I'm recycling a "valued resource." It helps that these flies once belonged to my long deceased father. I'm sure he would be pleased to see me reusing his old tackle.

As long as these flies floated, there were strikes at the surface. Most were short takes, but one was a 12" bass. I'll play with those guys any time, and be happy to do it.

Once the fly became sodden, it would slip beneath the surface after splashdown... Then it was countdown time.
Give it 3-5 seconds, and begin working the bug with a 1 ft. stripping retrieve.
I caught several small bass and a 6" red ear this way, and each was a savage hit-and-run. Usually, the fly was moving on the take.
It may be October, but the fish are still willing to hit it hard!

I was also testing a home made fly floatant, something I read about in one of my fishing books. It is a simple, 3:1 solution of naphtha and silicone grease. It is easy to make, inexpensive and has potential. In use, the naphtha evaporates immediately after application, leaving a thin silicone film on the fly. I won't say it is perfect, yet, but once I get the ratio right, it ought to do the trick.

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Allen, no apologizing among friends!

If anything it should be I that apologizes. I sometimes come off sounding like a know it all, in my zeal to share and be contributing. So Ill beg your indulgence - you , too Mike..

Holy CRAP! that is one big ant. Id be afraid to go near the thing.

I collect hackle where I find it. Ebay, the hobby store, etc. I dont get a wide selection of micro sizes, but I get mine at budget prices.. SO far Im catching fish on them, so Im happy enough.

It's not about how expensive the materials are, and how realistic they must be in approximity to the real thing. If it's 50% resemble the real thing, using 2nd, 3rd, worst materials on hand, you're golden. What fishes see is not the same as human perception.

I recently read that very thing, Leo. Im shooting for a "maybe" in the mind of the fish - that will turn enough of them into biters to make me happy.

 On a personal note. I find I like frilly, fluffy flies.

Frilly, fluffy feel like cotton candy all of a sudden.


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