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Best Fish Today Were Quality Shellcrackers……9/28/2024

Boated 24 shellcrackers up to 14”….you always know when you have one hooked…so strong…we used red wigglers and pinhead crickets for the best results this morning….

  • Currently 5/5 stars.

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Comment by Jeffrey D. Abney on October 1, 2024 at 4:07pm

Thanks Tracy……growing up in southern Louisiana we called Shellcrackers either “ lake runners or chiquapin”…we were always happy with ten inch shellcrackers back then and then I enlisted in the Navy and my orders sent me to South Carolina and close to the Santee Cooper lakes….this was my introduction to big shellcrackers…which held the world record for a long time until the Lake Havasu phenomenon occurred…….now I have built my retirement home near the North Carolina coast and have discovered that the North Carolina Resources Commission is very proactive with stocking programs with hatcheries throughout the state and an aggressive program…….the boat ramps in North Carolina are very well constructed, handicap accessible and maintained….its truly a pleasure to fish in this region…….the Shellcrackers I’m posting this year are a result of these programs…

Comment by tracy willis on October 1, 2024 at 1:54pm

very nice fish and great conservation.  hats of to ya.  anything over 11" here is considered a trophy fish.  ky lake and barkley has been getting hammered the last couple of years and the bluegill have just bounced back a bit, shellcracker was outstanding this year and hope it continues.

Comment by Jeffrey D. Abney on September 30, 2024 at 4:14pm

Twenty five years here and this is the best I’ve done in public water in North Carolina…I don’t fish the lakes as they are mostly west of Interstate 95 and I’m near the coast… it’s all river fishing……and I’ve released all of these larger fish in hopes of some thing special….there’s a park in Virginia with a great population but it’s kayak/canoe only, so I won’t be in there anytime soon…I prefer to stand and fish….thanks Troy….our Redbreast are growing too but not near as fast as these Shellcrackers…

Comment by Troy Dorman on September 30, 2024 at 3:20pm

Wow, I don't remember you having such shellcracker success!!

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Down East North Carolina Daily Double…..3/23/2025

"Understand……hope you get out soon Bruce!"
Bruce Tomaselli commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Down East North Carolina Daily Double…..3/23/2025

"I think it won't be until near the end of April until the water warms enough to start the…"
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Nice Take, Hook Set at 12 O’clock…3/23/2025

"This shot was cool with the jig visible through this crappie’s mouth… the 12…"
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Some Beautiful Clean Crappie…New Arrivals Shallow….3/23/2025

"You can tell this fish has been out deep…..very clean both sides , fins not busted up, tail…"
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Down East North Carolina Daily Double…..3/23/2025

"I hope it’s soon Bruce….looks like a pretty big warmup in the south, hope some it…"
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Down East North Carolina Daily Double…..3/23/2025

"Thanks Dick…this was our best trip for shallow crappie this year……I love…"
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Bruce Tomaselli commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo
dick tabbert commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo
dick tabbert commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo
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Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Down East North Carolina Daily Double…..3/23/2025

"Thanks John….still keep having cold fronts and clippers but the fish here are so ready to…"
John Sheehan commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Down East North Carolina Daily Double…..3/23/2025

"Beauties with Tuxedos! Good work, Jeffrey!"
Jeffrey D. Abney posted photos
Jeffrey D. Abney posted photos
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"Son-in-law and I splashed this morning behind a mild cold front, 47 degrees and shifting winds ….surface temps from 56.7 to 58.1 degrees…."
John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's photo

1st bassxrap

"I dressed better the 2nd outing, Jeff! LOL Was more comfortable."
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on John Sheehan's photo

1st bassxrap

"Way to endure the cold water John…"
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