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 Anyone else fishing 2wts or less for Bluegill/Bream/Bass???

 I decided I wanted to go a little lighter on my Bluegill/Bream rod I've been fishing 3 and 4wts so Saturday I ordered a Echo Carbon 7'3" 2wt flyrod got a heck of a deal because the 2012 models are on sale! Normaly $169 rod I bought it for $90 Sweeeeet! I hope the UPS man makes it here before this weekend :) can't wait to try it out!

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Lee I talked about my rod but didn't tell you the brand. I got it last spring a 9' Diamondback 2wt. I have caught a few fish on it and I'm here to tell you it's a blast but like I did say haven't been able to turn the hybrid striped bass yet I think there almost 2'. I did catch a couple on my UL spinning gear and on the 4wt. I think I have some picture in my pictures if you want to see them. Hey what ever you get or use it's all fun everyone just a little different. I did break down and buy me a 6wt for the river this winter pretty bad for someone who catches mostly wind knots.

How apropos, I've been thinking of buying a 2-weight this year.  Does anybody have a Redington Classic Trout in 2 weight (I guess they changed the name of that line to Tempt now?) I've heard great things about the CT line but have never cast one.


I will try not to blow off on this thread any more but I would like to add that my 2wt is overlined with a DT. Don't overlook the old standby DT line. I did not like my 2wt very well when I first go it. I set it in the corner and went back to my 6' 5wt. I had a 2wt WF line on it. I overlined it with the DT and it made the rod come alive and I have not put it down since.

I have been lusting after a ul fly rod for years.   Had a 3 wt that was sweet but hadn't been used for several years so I sold it a few years back. DUMB!  After reading the Ohio Fly Fisher reviews on the two weights I'll probably get one of the same rods you have ordered.  Keep us posted

Hi, I picked a 3 wt. TFO up at a Bass Pro Shops about 6 or 7 years ago and then bought one a few weeks later. I fished with it for pretty much all species (bluegill,trout, bass,and.....Catfish ...yep, catfish) until last year when I bought a 2 wt. Redington. The feel is just so much better and mist of the fish I catch are under 2lbs so these rods make that a lot more fun. I caught an 11 lb channel cat on my 3wt....almost an hour to get him to the bank. I don't recommend that practice. Too hard on the fish.

2wts rock for all panfish especially gill and redear! It's practically the only rod I've used since I got it. However I received my 3wt Fiberglass rod and hopefully I'll get to try it this weekend.  Let us know how the Echo does....I've eyed those a few times myself.

Maybe I need to go back and get myself a 2wt setup for the pond at work??????

I might go get another reel and set that with WF6F line to over-line my 5wt a bit.


  Lee, I also fish a TFO pro 2wt and a Sage TXL 0 wt rod sometimes. Both are a great deal of fun, but I don't think I want to go any lighter than a 0wt. (It's not as easy to feel the 0wt rod load). Until I got used to it, I found myself watching my back cast. The TXL is a fast action rod and by over-lining it with a 1wt line I could feel it load much better. In the summer, I love to fish near a buch of bait fisherman at the lake and watch their faces as I catch a fish almost  every cast fishing a midge on the TXL. They keep watching their bobbers jiggle up and down (as the fish pull the legs off their crickets) and might catch a fish every 15 minutes or so. Even better when they ask to see what I am fishing with and I show them a size 16 midge.  (love-it)..............Don in SC

 I know what you mean I've been flyfishing down here in Big Bass country for years and always get a kick out of outfishing the gear guys. Especially the ones that see me and laugh.... then watch in disbelief as I pull nice bass out of water they just pounded :)

 Fished for Bluegill for years with a 5wt then the past couple years I've been going lighter first a 4 then a 3 now down to a 2wt, seems like the lighter I go the more fish I catch and the more I enjoy it!

I had a TFO Lefty Kreh Professional 2wt in my hands today.  BPS didn't have any WF2F line, or I might have picked it up.  I did get the WF6F line for my 5wt, though.

Honestly, my 5wt will handle most everything that 2wt would do, except for tight quarters.  I have a creek less than a mile away that is really tight, but has some nice fish in it.

 Just wanted to update everyone on my new Echo Carbon 2wt. Shipping was really quick rod was sitting on my porch Weds evening. I immediately unpacked it very nice rod case and cloth sack the rod itself is gorgeous flat black blank, very nice guides and wraps best cork I've seen on a rod handle in awhile this is a real quality made rod!

 Mounted my Lamson Konic 1.5 reel on it with 3wt wf line becuase I dont have a 2wt line yet added a leader and a #10 spider and hit the pond behind my house. Rod feels great! soft tip with a good butt section loads quickly and really lays a bug right where you want it ( did I mention I caught a nice lil 12" Bass first cast into the pond :) ) Such an enjoyable rod I stood out there till well after dark casting and catching a bunch of small bass and bream, Fun stuff!

 I have a saltwater guide trip today and Sunday but I'll post up some picks of the rod as soon as I can. Only complaints so far is my local flyshop dosent even carry any 2wt lines so I had to order a couple to try out on this rod, I'm afraid the 3wt wf line I have on it now might overload it on longer cast. Other complaint is I havent had time to fish this rod as much as I want to....Yet! Should be a great Bluegill rod that gets a Bunch of use this spring and summer :)

Hey Mr Lee

I would really, really like a report on your saltwater trip. I am a salty at heart and have been since about 1970. I just bought a new rig for the salt as a matter of fact. If you don't feel comfortable posting it on this BG forum just PM me. I would love to hear about it since I did not get to go to FL this year and I am Yearning to be there.


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