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I received some unfortunate news today. My local baitshop will be closing its doors for good, the end of December. I have been a patron for all of their 27 years in business, so that makes it even harder to accept. The reasons given for closing sound all too familiar...... tough economic times, folks buying more at the bigger box stores, and the convenience of online ordering.

Certainly I have been guilty of ordering online, as well as shopping at the glitzy outdoor gear superstores.......I did make an effort to get all I could from that little, local shop, including firearms purchases and other big ticket items, as I know others did also. But in the end, it just wasn't enough. The times are changing.

So, I just wanted to give a quick shout out to the neighborhood bait shops. You guys know the kind I'm talking about........ where you can get bait, a cup of coffee, and all the advice you need from the same person, under the same roof. If there's anyone here who's never visited such an establishment, you've missed out on a slice of Americana, the old-fashioned mom and pop baitshop.

For those of you fortunate enough to have just such a place close by, be careful not to take them for granted. Drop in and spend a few dollars when you can... I'm sure they'll appreciate it, and maybe it will help them be there to help you.


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I worry about this all the time.....just yesterday I went and got my crickets for today.....It was 12:15 and Doug of Bassackwards told me I was his first customer and he opened the doors at 7:00...It takes staying power to hang on through slow days like that.....They use to be open seven dauys a week but they now take a well deserved Sunday break and I just adjust accordingly.....Good point's kind of like the local Butcher......all but gone!

It happens all over southern California as well. Dedicated bait shops are slowly closing their doors. You see more and more mixed convenient liquor and bait shop stores are combining into one. Even Bass Pro, dedicated sport stores, and various major outfitters are having a rough time with live/frozen baits and tackle sales. However, pet stores are making a killing after talking to a few of them.

Here in the San Fernando Valley, there are at least two nice tackleshops that have been around for decades. I doubt they're doing well, but they're hanging in somehow. I'm doing my part: instead of springing for a new spin-cast rod & reel, I'm taking an old Daiwa Silvercast for repairs.

i know what you mean guys; hunting and fishing store a few miles from my place has went under after several years too; rough times we are in right now; especially for small businesses

Great sentiments here Tony ! I have three establishments nearby with some history that I purchase from  that I dont want to see go under!

The economy is taking its toll on the sport all together. I do not see the amount of fishing craft on my local lakes as in the past.

I buy *something* from the local shop, whenever I can. Sometimes it is just a few hooks or grubs, sometimes it;'s a larger item. But a great point is made.

Hi, I was fortunate to go to some shops before they closed ,we lost 6 shops in Maine,it was great when you walked in they knew you by name, some shops was run by husband and wife, mom and pop type stores. I have even talked to a major store LL Bean, it use to be centered on hunting and fishing , now they are concerned in selling oxford shirts and clothing.ive spoke to managers every time i go in, and say that 6 shops have gone out,we need more fly tying materials, they say i know but nothing changes.the small stores/ mom and pop would order what you needed and try to help you out. there is only one shop left that i know of  70 to 80 miles away.i agree with shopping at your local shop, dont take it for granted. Sleepy

I am a former owner of a shop just like you talked about. It is very hard to see them go but if fishermen get sucked into the boxstores it will continue.

Hi thanks for the reply ,I wish you the best of luck. Sleepy


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"We have 5-6" of ice, Bruce! The 3" is the snow we got last night."
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"We have 5-6" of ice, Bruce! The 3" is the snow we got last night."
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"Me too Bruce, these two might be some of the deepest ice Fish I've ever caught. I guess the…"
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"Love those perch, nice!"
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"Bruce I see a photo when I click on the link . Perhaps you have to hit the spacebar once at the end…"
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"Why didn't my picture show up? Does it need to be a pdf?"
Bruce Tomaselli commented on John Sheehan's photo


"Well, knowing my buddy he tipped his jigs with minnows, wax worms or butter worms."
John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's photo


"Woah nice Gills and Bass, Bruce! Get any info like bait, lures and depths those fish took to?"
Bruce Tomaselli commented on John Sheehan's photo


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