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I would like to congratulate and thank Jim Gronaw for sharing his recent Carp fishing exploits with the members of It's a bluegill site and that's what really makes us go but it has been nice during the Winter doldrums to hear and see about some of the other options available right under our noses....Jim would tell us he's no expert but he has obviously hit on some things that have proven results and great fish.....I added a picture of a Carp honor badge and hope Jim will continue to satisfy one of the four basic wants of life....a little variety!.....I know there is plenty of big gills and hybrids on the way and I'm pumped up about that.....Thanks again Jim and join me in thanking Jim if you agree......A few short months ago I considered Carp a trash fish now I'm reading up and realize how many anglers enjoy catching a Giant Carp...It's now on my bucket list.
I'll take the lead and start the group Jim....I think we have enough interest!
You know what...we need to start a group ...'Big and Ugly' about the lore and charm of catching carp and catfish! Plus, there are redhorse suckers, quillbacks, bowfin, gar, and a whole list of 'undesirables' that can bend the rod and make us happy!
Whatchall think?
I recall looking up something or another about panfishing and saving the article. After finding it again many moons later, I was pleased to see it was authored by none other than our own Carp Man Extraordinaire, Jim Gronaw.
It is a treat - and blessing - to be at BBG.
Same here, buddy. Same here.
I don't want to take away from this tribute to a great angler, so all I'll say Bruce is this:
I remember my first experiences with catching large carp. Jim revives that thrill each time I see him cradling one of his giants.
Definitely agree wtih David. Carp are very, very particular. I've had some days that I specifically targeted carp, and they kicked my tail! Swam by for hours without as much as a bite. Carp are a very worthy adversary. ....and I like catching shiners, too. :-)
I'm with Jim - all fish are worthy. I'm as happy when a school of shiners come tearing through as anything.
He also hits on something many of use are only just learning: carp are not always easy to catch, just because they are "trash fish." We fancy them to be gullible dummies, but they can be downright particular. It is no wonder that they are such a popular challenge worldwide.
It is obvious that Mr. Gronaw has been tutored well, and has paid close attention. I get a thrill and twinge of jealousy each time I see another of the monster carp he has caught.
Atta boy, Jim. Thumbs up.
PS Very nice idea, Jeff.
Here here to that. My gosh, I still need to land a carp that size to show him..but my carps are puny compare to his. Wouldn't mind landing one he caught during the earlier month on my 2lb line for my bucket list as well.
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