Bluegill - Big Bluegill

Do you love big bluegill?

  • 64, Male
  • Pond in Texas County, Mo. Me in St. Louis
  • United States
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  • Austin
  • Timothy Reavis
  • Mike Stacy
  • Jim Knott
  • Pete Lindey
  • Tom Hudson
  • Bruce Condello

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What type of animal is a bluegill?
1.48 acre fed and aerated pond with lots of structure from 1 to 25 feet deep. Above this pond is a newly constructed .5 acre forage pond that blocks the main inflow to the larger pond. The hope is that some fresh forage will enter the main pond with every larger rain.

Also have a .1 acre pond in the woods that is very acidic. I have not started it's restoration yet.
What state are you from? This can help us get together for fishing trips!

About R and S Tilapia Ranch

R and S Tilapia Ranch was started to make it easy for pond owners and aquarists to get the nearly immpossible to find, finest quality Blue Tilapia available.

At R and S, we carry pure strain, mixed-sex Blue Tilapia (Oreochromis Aureus aka T. Aurea) and Red Tilapia to provide pond owners an opportunity to stock top quality fry, fingerlings and sexually mature fish at a price that you can afford. If your goals are to mainly clear your pond of the dreaded Filamentous Algae, provide high quality forage to grow trophy bass, or a combination of both, we offer a plan suited for you.

Red Tilapia have a very white meat and are for those that enjoy eating a lighter flavored fish. The Red Tilapia provide the same benefits as the Blue but begins to die at about 5 degrees warmer than the Blue.

To save your hard earned money and to get you the largest number of stockable fish, we suggest you buy the fry and grow them out for 2 to 4 months in an aquarium or even a large plastic container during the winter. This will provide you with large numbers of 4 to 10 inch fish to put into mature predator ponds when spring arrives.

When the chill of winter hits and your Tilapia begin to get lethargic, you can always net several 2+ pound fish to eat, over-winter for the next season, or just enjoy watching the birds of prey and other wildlife have a tasty treat for the upcoming winter.

Tilapia add very high quality protein and fat to all the fish in a pond and with nearly one to one food conversion, nothing in your pond can grow faster or get nutrients into your fish better than Tilapia. With the added bonuses of greatly improved water quality and reduced late-season pressures on your main forage fish, such as Bluegill, Tilapia are the best addition a pond can possibly have.

Tilapia thrive in water conditions that will kill almost every other pond fish. Tilapia easily and readily clean the bottom of the ponds of decaying leaves , fish wastes, algaes, and more from even the deepest, oxygen deprived areas in a pond where other fish simply can not survive.

For more information on our Tilapia, call Rex at 314-732-3365.
We ship from St. Louis using the Post office, FedEx, and same day Air Freight.

Arrive Alive Guarantee!

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Comment Wall (3 comments)

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At 5:08am on June 8, 2010, Timothy Reavis said…
I am interested in raising tilapia in an aquaponics setup.
At 7:31am on January 16, 2009, Tom S. said…
no problem,nice lookin place you got.
At 1:49pm on March 22, 2008, Bruce Condello said…
Hi, Rainman! Please enjoy the pictures, and add some of your own. If you know any other bluegill enthusiasts please have them join in the fun.


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Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Joe’s Personal Best Yellow Perch….11/3/2024

"Thanks Dick….fish like this give you motivation to make a few more casts even on a very…"
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"Thanks Dick…’s slowing like you would expect in the Fall….but with…"
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Joe’s Personal Best Yellow Perch….11/3/2024

"Wow, I'd take them all day long."
dick tabbert commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Few More Gills From Today…..11/3/2024

"Looks like your still into some great fish Jeffrey."
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Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Joe’s Personal Best Yellow Perch….11/3/2024

"Thanks John….Joe was very excited to see this fish…..I had just said we should see a…"
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