Bluegill - Big Bluegill

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Comment by Richard on November 25, 2008 at 10:46am
Speaking of teaching em to talk, did I tell you about the time I was fishing last summer on the Pearl River? Well... I was fishing last summer on the Pearl River around a bunch of lily pads and catching a pretty fair amount of bass. It was August and the sun was blistering hot out there with no shade in sight. Bout 105 degrees and I'm splashing river water on my head to keep from getting too hot so I can keep fishing. All of a sudden an old catfish sticks his head up out of the water right there by the boat and says "Hey mister, you got any Gatorade?"... Now that was a hot day of fishing!!!
Comment by Jeff on November 25, 2008 at 7:24am
An... as far as mah takel bawx iz kunsurnd... Ah kud kitch moar brem than u if Ah wuz yoosen uh booger own duh ind uf duh USS Alabama anker chayne, Jermy... or izzit "Germy"?
Comment by Jeff on November 25, 2008 at 7:21am
Waallll now... duh fans iz urrived. Ah nowd yawl'd come owt four two lawng. An Richturd... Ah dun got board with kitchen brim bearhandid. Now Ah juss trie tuh hole punch they tales lak a peese uh paiper. It taiks uh minnet tuh git em tuh hole steal... but hay, Ah kneed nue challinjes. Heck, after u dunn tawt em tuh sit an roll ovur, they juss aynt much lefft in life. Sow u godda fine ur sailf knew thangs tuh maik life innerstin. Nekst time Ah go, Ahmoan tri giddn won uf em tuh tawk tuh me. Hoo nose... mebbe Ah kin teech em tuh multiplie !!!!! Thatd bee uh hoot.
Comment by Jeremy R. Mayo on November 21, 2008 at 3:28pm
Comment by Richard on November 21, 2008 at 6:51am
Don't have to be old to catch em without a suitcase for a tackle box. Jeff use to catch big bream with a handline. I'm looking for the day when he holds a cricket in his hand out over the water and a big bream jumps and he catches it bare handed. Now that's a fisherman! Me, I've been working on my cricket call to bring em in close to the boat.
Comment by Jeremy R. Mayo on November 20, 2008 at 5:21pm
IS that a suit case or a tackle box..... I thought your old enough all you needed was some shoestrings a pc of bailin wire and a stick. I love this picture... It looks so fake like it was shot in a studio but we all know where and when and its an awsume shot!
Comment by Richard on November 19, 2008 at 6:42am
Bruce, it's even more challanging to hear him talk, what with all that grunting and tobbaco spitting and scratching and all...But that ole boy can catch some fish!!!
Comment by Jeremy R. Mayo on November 18, 2008 at 4:42pm
Comment by Bruce Condello on November 18, 2008 at 4:24pm
Is that Portuguese? :-)
Comment by Jeff on November 18, 2008 at 3:28pm
Waaaalllll... you'uns kin juss laff an laff ur daing haids awf, but it aint everbodie kin kitch 'em wid der teath. Notiss duh bit marks own his tale? Ah lak myne fraish an tastee. An, win Ah kitch brim... mah showldurs hunch up lak ahm a sinner on duh Allabamma Creamsun Tide futbawll teem. Dem brim Ah kitch iss got showldurs lak duh encretubal huck. Ownly, dey knot grean... day blew wid read throwts. Ah wus kitchen dem lass wuns own Bandit crainkbates wid traibul huks ownit. Dey lak dat luwer reely gud. An Ah lak dem leedel brimmies real gud to. Maiybee wun day u kin humbel down an ask me purdee plees tuh show u how u kin groe up tuh kitch uh milyun grait biggunns lak me. U gownna hafta stop bean sow hi an mitey furst. U no... downt git ubuv ur raysin an awl at.

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John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's photo

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