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Your Pond

This group is about your pond. How's it going? Questions on what to do next. Fish size and type.

Members: 46
Latest Activity: Aug 16, 2018

Discussion Forum

Fish Feeding 13 Replies

I have a 5 acre pond with bass,bluegill, crappie, and catfish. I was thinking about getting a protein based food called Aquafeed to feed the fish in order to keep them fat and healthy. Is this a good…Continue

Started by Wade Jones. Last reply by Terry E Brand Aug 16, 2018.

Bad Luck Stories 1 Reply

I caught 4 bluegill Thurs. before I laid my pole down around a post, and went to get my fishing chair. It never got pulled in before when I did this, but it did then. Whatever it was swam all around…Continue

Started by 10.5" RES Sharon. Last reply by David, aka, "McScruff" Jun 22, 2013.

Looking for Rotenone or someone to do it cheap 1 Reply

Thanks for this cool group everyone!  I currently have a 1/4 acre pond that I'm wanting to redo.  I am unable to locate a source for Rotenone or someone to do it for a good price.  I live in MD, so…Continue

Started by Chris Roberts. Last reply by Ryan McCaw Apr 27, 2013.

Skinny bluegill and bass 6 Replies

Hey everyone hope you all are great fishing season and enjoying the summer, unfortunately at my pond the fish are not doing all that great this summer. My pond has always produced 4 to 5 pound bass…Continue

Started by Wade Jones. Last reply by Mike Cross Oct 11, 2012.

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Comment by Walt Foreman on October 11, 2012 at 6:40am

I have heard of some people having luck controlling them by stringing monofilament a few inches off the ground, all the way around the pond at the water's edge.  You can also get a nuisance permit from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to kill them, which would be my recommendation:

Comment by dick tabbert on October 11, 2012 at 6:23am

If you can figure out how to rid yourself of your friend let all of us know all of us with ponds it is an on going problem. The Huron doesn't care if you fish cost $1 or $2 or $3 dollars it's there for the easy pickins and you dare not harm one.

Comment by Zach Pierce on October 10, 2012 at 12:25pm

I would like to have a minnow pond as well, we have one that is real shallow and I may try to do that, the only problem is it is full of muck and would be hard to get the minnows out.  This year would have been a good one to have fixed it since it is so low now, just do not have the money yet.  Maybe in a year or so.


Are you sure you want your Catfish to breed, I have read they can cause some issues, but if you have a ton of LMB they may eat most of them.  Keep us posted on how the PVC's work out for you and once you have some spawn take some pics of the new fish.


Comment by Billy Fason on October 9, 2012 at 1:03pm

My small pond, that is used to raise my minnows, dried up and my larger pond is down to about half what it was.  Need water badly so looking for rain, please......  Feeding twice a day so have  lost any fish so far,  none floating anyways.  Those really beg cats are sure coming up to feed though.  Have cleared some trash out with water low and dug out parts of pond.  Also cut some 10 inch pvc for cats to breed.  Still need to replace one leg on the pier and should be all done.  Hate the drought but sure got some things done I needed to do to both ponds.

Comment by Suzanne Lazar on October 4, 2012 at 8:07pm

Sharon, I'd like to see a picture of that table too! I know: you catch a fish, cook a fish, and it ends up on the table. It's all related! :-)

Comment by dick tabbert on September 28, 2012 at 9:50am

I love rustic stuff.

Comment by 10.5" RES Sharon on September 28, 2012 at 9:03am

Yes indeed, I am. We also have a coffee table made out of the top of a cedar tree we had to cut down by the pond. It had branches at the top pointing out on all sides of the truck like an unside down umbrella ribs. So, we turned it upside down for the table legs and put a table top on it. It's very unusual. I would send a picture, but sense there is nothing fishy about it, I didn't

Comment by dick tabbert on September 28, 2012 at 8:52am

Sharon you are a very frugal gal I would have never thought of it for a walking stick I would have burnt it and then there would be no way of using it to it's full potential.

Comment by 10.5" RES Sharon on September 28, 2012 at 8:47am

I have a pic of the RES, but the others were unimpressive. Yes, Dick, my pond is rich is branches. I put the fish back, but the branch I kept for a walking stick.

Comment by Zach Pierce on September 28, 2012 at 7:03am
No pics for us

Members (46)


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John Sheehan commented on dick tabbert's photo


"Good to hear, Dick!"
dick tabbert commented on dick tabbert's photo


"I've been laid back too long. I've got to get some stuff ready for this season.…"
John Sheehan commented on dick tabbert's photo


" Great work as usual, Dick!"
dick tabbert posted photos
Gerome Hilliard joined J. B. Hillard's group
dick tabbert commented on Joe's photo


tracy willis commented on Joe's photo


"very nice fish.  im ready for warm weather too."
dick tabbert commented on Joe's photo


"Now that's an eater. Gourgious "
Feb 23
dick tabbert commented on Joe's photo


Feb 23
dick tabbert commented on Joe's photo


"Nice bass Joe"
Feb 23
Joe commented on Joe's photo


"To be honest Mr Jeff took them and cropped them for me so I can repost them the right way 😂…"
Feb 23
John Sheehan commented on Joe's photo


"Fine looking Fish you're posting! Glad you found the rotate photo feature. Three steps.…"
Feb 23
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Joe's photo


"Looks like a Chessie cat!"
Feb 22
Joe commented on Joe's photo


"Just thought I would try that color jig since it was already on the line 😆"
Feb 22
Joe posted photos
Feb 22
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Joe's photo


"Pretty…jig inhaled….where did you learn about that color….🤔"
Feb 22
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Joe's photo


"This is a nice crappie…..I’m very ready for winter to be in the rear…"
Feb 22
Joe commented on Joe's photo


"Thank you Mr John. I have technical difficulties with computers. Mr Jeff is currently working on…"
Feb 22
John Sheehan commented on Joe's photo


"Great looking Crappie!"
Feb 21
Joe posted photos
Feb 21

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