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I have a 5 acre pond with bass,bluegill, crappie, and catfish. I was thinking about getting a protein based food called Aquafeed to feed the fish in order to keep them fat and healthy. Is this a good…Continue
Started by Wade Jones. Last reply by Terry E Brand Aug 16, 2018.
I caught 4 bluegill Thurs. before I laid my pole down around a post, and went to get my fishing chair. It never got pulled in before when I did this, but it did then. Whatever it was swam all around…Continue
Started by 10.5" RES Sharon. Last reply by David, aka, "McScruff" Jun 22, 2013.
Thanks for this cool group everyone! I currently have a 1/4 acre pond that I'm wanting to redo. I am unable to locate a source for Rotenone or someone to do it for a good price. I live in MD, so…Continue
Started by Chris Roberts. Last reply by Ryan McCaw Apr 27, 2013.
Hey everyone hope you all are great fishing season and enjoying the summer, unfortunately at my pond the fish are not doing all that great this summer. My pond has always produced 4 to 5 pound bass…Continue
Started by Wade Jones. Last reply by Mike Cross Oct 11, 2012.
Thanks Walt and Dick. I will probably have a surface areator and once the LBS of fish exceed (what I have read) about 600 to800 LBS I will watch it even closer.
I will leave the diffuser on all the time except in the winter, Dec through Feb.
Walt, speaking of the watermeal dieoff I wonder if you have ever used the muck control products that utilize bacteria to expedite the degrading of plant and fish/feed products. In SHort do they really work or not?
Another question I have is has anyone used Salt to help in pond amonia control, when a pond that has no diffuser turns over in late summer early fall with cool rain that blow through. My prior fish supplier suggested it, and I did it with no noticeable adverse reaction.
Walt, you asked how big my pond is and it will be, at pool, 1 to 1.2 acre with max depth of 14 to 16 ft and average of 6ft. Limited shallows of < than 20%. I will fix that issue after the first full pool and summer evaporation exposes the bank.
Mike I wouldn't have a clue my pond is 20 years old and I would have no way of telling that. I know there are quit a few I wouldn't have at a guess.
How big is your pond, Mike? The guy from Overton was right in that a diffuser system alone is not complete protection from a fish kill. If you only have one aerator, a diffuser is the best, because it prevents the pond from stratifying, which in turn prevents most fish kills. But fish kills can still occur - I learned this the hard way with one of my best ponds this summer when the water got lower than it has been since I've been working with the pond, and there was some watermeal on the pond I had not been able to get rid of, and the pond had a partial kill. A surface aerator just gives you one extra level of protection against a kill; if you can afford it, I would say do it, especially considering you're in Texas and probably are subject to drastic drops in water level in the summers.
Thanks Dick, I had not planned for a surface areator,but I wonder if it was suggested because of the LBS of fish I want the pond to carry. Do you know the approx. weight in LBS you have in your pond? As well I live in the south,where the water gets hot during aug., sept., and Oct. Do you live in an area where the summers are long and very hot?
I did not want a surface areator for two reasons, one, I do not like the pump or the distributor sticking up and second they cause even more evaporation at the worst time of the year.
I have considered a DO meter with an alarm to monitor the water DO at night or just have it on 24/7. They are expensive but so are 1500LBS of fish,so I am still up in the air on that.
Thanks for your input. MC
Mike I'm no expert on ponds but was always told surface aerators were more for show where the defuser it works from the top to the bottom of the water system. I've had my defuser for 15 years with no surface aerator and to this date no problems with dead fish from water quality but I might add my pond is heavy clay. Just thought I'd through it out there. Like I said I'm no expert but we do have some in BBG.
Still feeding twice a day and will continue for a few more weeks.
The small pond has served well for restocking my large pond with minnows. We built a canal from the overflow of the small pond to the end of the large pond. When I need more minnows than is supplied by the overflow I use minnow traps. Has worked very well for the last five years and have not had to buy minnows .
We finally got a little rain and got some water in my small pond. My lily pads came right back and with a little more water I will restock my minnows. The lily pads serve as a place for the minnows to lay their eggs, so I was very happy to see them return after the pond dried up. The catfish tubes work great as I have used them before. Will take pictures of the new broods when the hatch.
I think it's very curious that people are forbidden to shoot herons, BUT, if you pay for a permit, it's ok????? Similiar to companies that pollute areas and are then fined for doing it, but they are allowed to keep doing it and paying fines. These things are either wrong or right, it shouldn't have anything to do with money.
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