Bluegill - Big Bluegill

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I would like to share a bait tip that I have been using for years to catch bluegill. I cut a piece of the white fat of salt pork about the size of my smallest fingernail with a pair of scissors. I then use it to tip a small jig or hook. The pork fat is soft but tough enough to stay on the hook for many catches. You will likely catch a few crappie and catfish at the same time.
If you are unfamiliar with salt pork, it can be found in most grocery stores vacuum sealed and refrigerated. It is cheap and will last a long time in the freezer. Eight or ten pieces in an old prescription bottle will last all day. What you don’t use for bait will flavor a great pot of beans.

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Thats something I never thought of but I can see how it would work. I think I will put this on my list of to do's. Thanks for that tidbit Marcus, keep them coming and GOOD FISHIN...

WOW! Thanks for sharing. That I have to try. We have it as an Asian delicacy around here..I don't eat it, but will now save them from our outing from the Asian-ville visits. Some new to learn every day.

I use the UNCOOKED saltpork for  bait. I am not sure how the cooked would work but I will have to try it now. 

Yeah, I looked at the pic of the fatback in the other thread and said "Hey, I know that stuff! Thuy cooks it!" I'd feel kinda bad, letting a bluegill get it, especially the crispy parts. It'd probably wind up getting detoured to my stomach instead of going on the hook :-)

How about that TWO posts mentioning salted pork meat in one day. Here in the South we have "fatback," salt pork and what is colloquially known as "Streak 'O Lean" .... another version of salt pork.

Im wondering how it might work if cut in strips. Split it's tail so it flutters and use it like a worm. Or maybe in even smaller strip-lets to simulate a grub worm.

This stuff is always plentiful, inexpensive and I will hereafter keep some handy at all times.

Im defenitly going to try it this spring,thanks for tip.


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