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Do you love big bluegill?

What state would you choose to fish Bluegill if you could only pick one?

We are fortunate to have members from all over this great nation...One of my favorite things about is the instant connection with the people that love and enjoy the same things that I do when it comes to all things Bluegill from folks all over the country.....Many of us have also had the great experience of fishing several different states whether vacationing, traveling for work or as a result of moving..... If you could pick one state to fish Bluegill, what state would it be and why? Thanks for sharing and I expect this may be a difficult choice for some and very easy for others.....Again, thanks in advance!

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I LOVE OKLAHOMA! We have Every landscape here from desert sands to beautiful mountains. I pick of the free and the brave!!!!!!!!

Thanks for breaking the ice Jen.......I've only visited Oklahoma as a kid when my dad would go to Air Traffic Controller's School in Oklahoma City during the summers back in the 70s....We always loved it as a family vacation but didn't take in any fishing back then....You folks share some great pictures with us from Oklahoma!

 Yes Jen, Oklahoma has some pretty spots , lots of them in the eastern 1/4  of Oklahoma, I call this area Lap Land , that's where the beauty of Arkansas laps over into Oklahoma.        LOFR

 Man, that's a tough question.  Are we limited to public waters, or do private ponds count? I'd love a couple days on Richmond Mill, so NC makes the top 5. Lake Perris looks good, so CA is on there. Ketona lake produced two BG over 4 lbs, and rumors persist of large fish still to this day, so AL is a go-to spot. Lake Havasu cranks out monster Redears, so AZ makes the list. AND..... any BOW, ANYWHERE, that has felt the touch of Dr. Condello. I'll buy the gas.

Now, are we talking fantasy, one day trips, or one state to fish in forever? Maybe I better just concentrate on my own ponds and stay in Indiana!

That's why I said it would be difficult for some of us Tony....I haven't replied yet because I'm still pondering.....Your answer just made it tougher....Wouldn't we like just a weekend pass to Ketona Lake this June! Can you say 48 hours fishing in a row!

Wow, being from NJ it's funny to see you pick the same place I was thinking of, Tony. Richmond Mill, NC would be one of my first choices. Not only for the bluegills, but also for the bass. And if I got lucky, maybe I'd bump into Gene Jensen, the Flukemaster.

You must have a lot of money  to spend and not be able to keep one fish.. I live less than an hour from Kingfisher Society.

I'll stick with Bruce ponds. LOL That is a truly loaded question. It all depends on availability of species all year round. I'll stick with southern tropical climates. FL is good hunting all around, since there is plenty of water for both salt and freshwater species. But in seriousness, the lakes near the Colorado River near the CA and AZ border are the best.

It's hard to disagree with all the testimony you folks out west share with us Leo!

Hawaii, I think!!!! Don't know I they have gill there!!!!!!! But I BELIEVE I could do the winter temps there!!!!!!!   :-)

Just find you a pond and get Bruce to send you some Greg! Best of both worlds........

HEARD IT!!!!! I am on it, YEAR ROUND GROWING SEASON!!!!!!! BOTHER BRUCE would you deliver to HAWAII????????


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"Three old fronts this week also cooled the bluegill bite down…..lost a foot of water and almost 8 degrees off the surface temp…"
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"💯...Spot on, Jeff!!"
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"Nice egg layer…..distinct orange ear tab…."
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"Why is fishing addictive? Because you have a chance to catch fish like these….thanks for…"
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"Happy for him ,Men.Thanks!"
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"Nice bass!"
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