Bluegill - Big Bluegill

Do you love big bluegill?

I keep finding these in my minnow trap.  They are about 1". Anyone know what they are, do they bite, do they sting, do bass eat them?


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Yet grits and Diving Water Beetle's for chum what a beautiful thing.


You know, in the summertime, we go in our float tubes without waders, and many times we have to kick through thick water plants.... Never been bit yet... knock on wood!

I'm thinking they are usually in the lower water column.

Jeff, I fish without waders in the summer but never in short pants!!!!! I had a gar get mad at my flippers one time he kept grabbing them and shaking them!!!! He never grabbed me but ever since I always wear long pants!!!!!

   That looks like the bug we kept finding in my daughters little swim pool and their bite was really PAINFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm with David, KILL THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GAR??????? What kind and how big? And why are you playing with Gar?

Thats why I like clear water........that way I can SEE what might be chasing my feet.

Aligator snapper and a few snakes somestimes

Personally, I like gar fish. They are prehistoric wonders, their kind predating even the dinosaurs.

You wanna talk about apex predators? They are it. I even have a lure specially designed to catch them. Many people toss them into the weeds to die, but I respect them. In Louisiana, they are considered haute cuisine... which may not be much of a recommendation, now that I think on it. After all, everything seems to be worth eatin' down there.

Where was I? Oh yeah, gar. Shoot - I'll catch one in a minute! 

Just don't eat their roe.....

Here's a tip for you, Tony. While it's true gar roe is poisonous to humans, bluegill go crazy for it. You wanna turn on the bite? Toss a few pinches of gar roe into the swim.

Just be sure to wear gloves when you do.

Won't those hatch in the pond david?

Not if they aren't fertilized. The roe is taken from the females before they mate. People make money selling it to fishermen down in Florida.

 Yea, if anything sits still long enought  in louisiana some cajun will try to eat it.  LOFR


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