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While on my lunch break, I said to myself, what the heck, let's swing by a Super Walmart to see what they have for sales as the holidays approach.

Nothing special in the kids'

Hm..too much things in the sexy stuff for the lady..stay not call the wife.

Nothing special in the electronics..

Nothing in the sports isles..

Wait..arts, crafts, and fabrics..maybe..

BEHOLD! A mountain of gold. Poly-nylon threads, ranging between 4/0 to 10/0 in size, different array of colors (from dull to florescence), including CLEAR!! I'm shaking with excitement. Pulled out a spool, and test the line's strength..holy molly! This stuff is strong and thin.

I created a basket out of my t-shirt, tossed in every color I could get my hand on, and each spool was 150 to 300 yards, for $0.99 to $1.50. I was crying. The women nearby me thought I went insane for grabbing so much threads. I turned to them and asked, "Are these on special sales or something?"

They looked bewildered, and one of them chuckled, "No, they always have these here for this price." YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! You mean to tell me I've been spending an arm and a leg to purchase 100 yards of fly tying threads online, and they can't even cover the colors I wanted, but here it Super tying thread heaven for cheap!

Ended up spending close to $60 just on threads..I think I went a bit overboard.

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Dick, this material is poly-nylon, used for engraving on things like hat, quilts, etc. This stuff is tuff. I had a hard time breaking the line by hand. It's breakable, but unlike the 210 denier, 6/0 or 4/0 threads that I got from online, or even at the Bass Pro. Really tough material. What I love is the clear poly-nylon materials. You can say it's as tough as Spider Wire mono, rated at 6lb but at 1lb diameter. I might as well purchase a ton of this stuff for leader materials. Even I have a hard time detecting the line as I unspool to inspect. Probably like you, I have too much brute strength, and tend to break my thread trying to tie. Sorry to say but I don't have the delicate fingers and finesse like the fly tying masters at BBG. Thank godness I didn't make it as a surgeon, or I would have killed so many people on the operating table with my unrefined strength.

I tested, and tested, and tested the materials to make sure I was getting a deal I was looking for. This is why I went crazy buying the materials.

Jim being USA conscious it makes my heart feel good that some people have the same thoughts as I. I do realize there is some things you have to buy elsewhere but when ever possible I will always try to buy American. It's not an easy task and the hardest part is trying to do your homework and find out where your items are really actually made. We are sometime's our worst enemies and have ourselves to blame for some of our own problems but much easier to put the blame elsewhere and on someone else. Sorry need to get off of this subject before I get myself in trouble. Jim thank you for your words.

Amen to that Dick. This is why I purchase "Made in USA" first before purchasing something from somewhere else. When the options become limited, then I have no choice but to get somewhere else. The materials I got from Walmart is from good old US, made and packaged here locally in Ontario, California. I was quite happy.

Thank you Leo. Take care and God Bless.

Thanks Leo I am  the king at breaking thread but if you have to be good at something.

I've never looked at thread at Wally world since I can't sew worth a flip, I sorta avoid that area. But won't now...will be checking it out! Thanks! Now that I think of it I avoid the store as much as possible. Have only darkened their door 5 times this year!!!!!!!!

I understand that completely Jen. I hate entering into Walmart, especially the Super Walmart, during the late hours or the weekends. It's like freaking madhouse. However, during early morning, or during my lunch time, they tend to be..well..scattered and quiet. Perfect time to bargain shopping.

I HEAR YA JEN and the only thing I go in that store for is underwear, pajama bottoms(really soft ones) and can't get them anywere else, and some of my medications that no one sells anywere else!!!!!!!!!! We have two old hardware stores here and they have been in business for years and lots of local old timers here won't go in Wally world, or even home depot or menards. 

  Jen ever walked into a Wally World that has 25 cash registers at the front of the store and proabably 50 people waiting in line at the only 3 registers that are open? Won't go in there anymore in the daytime for just that reason...........

A after my own heart- stay away from big stores and big crowds and crazy shoppers in the thread isle, ie LEOOoooooooooo!

LOL! Don't only see me in there during the non-crazy hours. I'm not going in there during the madhouse hours. I'll leave that for the insane shoppers. However, if you see an Asian guy hording sewing supply with a grin on his face, that probably is me.

I can almost picture that in my mind. That funny Asian guy with a cart full of sewing supplies snickering all the way up to the check out.

Dick how much thread have you wound this week  - or is all your stuff still upstairs..?


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