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A local worm farmer has red wrigglers for $15 a thousand. Is this a good price? I have never bought worms in bulk. Any help is appeciated.

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Keith I just purchased 2000 red wriggles for $40.00 they are small and have to grow up yet. That sounds like a good price to me and If they are grown up and ready to use that would be a great price but that probably ain't happening. Hope this helps you.
I assume these are ready to ship worms. If they are not it is still a good price. 

I agree that sounds like a good price, especially when you consider $3.25 at my local bait shop for 35 wigglers.

I too think this is a great price. Really don't want to raise them if I could get them for 15 bucks a thousand....
That is a good price but keep in mind that you are probably going to get "bedrun" so expect them to be SMALL. Unless the seller states that the worms are a specific size it is customary to sell numbers and not size.

If these are full grown read to fish redworms the price is exceptional.  If they are bed run I suspect most would be small and need some time to grow.

I pay $17 per 1000 for fishing size wigglers, and $35.00 for "big reds" which are imported from Belgium.  The big reds can be kept for many months if refridgerated around 45 to 55 degrees.  I have an old refer in garage where they are stored along with overflow items from the house refer.


The wigglers are not so called red wigglers, but the brownish variety we have here in the southeast.  These things jump all over the place and will easily slip from your fingers due to their wanting to wiggle

The point of cost is moot now. The owner gave a friend of mine a good supply of fishing ready worms. Since I recently gave him a custom made corn cobb bobber He's going to share with me. Ahhhhh Karma. Don't Ya love it

Karma rules.

$15/1000?!!! HOLY MOTHER OF CHEAP! Ask them if they ship. I'll gladly take all their supply for my backyard and indoor composting.

JB, let me know where you got those super red too. I got my 250 for $35 after shipping cost. Freaking expensive! I need another 7000 to super start my 3 compost piles and garden for the upcoming spring. Got 2500 big boys running in the compost bins, but that's not enough between my using them for fishing and eating our green wastes.

Leo, you truly amaze me. Oh, that I had only your energy.

Don't think I have any more steam David. But, if I have to push myself to run on fume, then so be it. I want to start something so my kids can follow through, while I watch over them. A 12-yrs old boy, who's brain has the capacity to come up with new inventive approach, while the 5-yrs old boy have the energy to dig through the earth on his own steam, then the 3-yrs old girl who has the brazen fearless attitudes from me. Putting them together, I have endless supply of little helpers, that is, once I start something and get it going. Mommy and the two dogs..well, they will be our catalysts destroyers *LOL*

Keith I checked the small worms that I purchased in August they are about 3" long and getting fat. I bought a worm factory which I will put then in soon. I think I won't have to worry about worms for awhile.


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