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Anybody ever use these conversion kits? The manual augers are beginning to hurt my shoulders, arthritis in each, and I'd like to go to some kind of power auger. I can't afford to spend $400  or $500 right now.


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There is that option of buying used. Of coarse in the spring and summer they would have been cheaper for you.

i tried the battery/drill powered adapter augers... they were light and required upper body pushing that caused pain for me in shoulders and arms. so i did some research and and found an eskimo/mako 8" on sale for 279.00. it feels heavy and i drag around on the ice mostly with the sled. i can drill dozens of holes with very little effort. i ice fish with a cousin (Earl in his early thirties) who will drill dozens of holes like it was nothing. it really improved our game out on the ice exponentially. the weight aids in drilling the holes ... all i have to do is hold it straight and drill baby drill. the hand auger was a few holes at best even on thin ice. that 279.00 was one of the best investments I have ever made

The eskimo/mako 8"  is a gas powered  auger Slip?

If you go that route, get one with a plate that holds the drill rigid. I'm thinking of building one for myself, actually. Also don't skimp on the drill......Love my Milwaukee's!

last year i bought the clam plate/auger combo 6" ($159 at various vendors) and with my milwaukee m18 with heavy duty battery...just awesome. you do not have to push down on the drill, if you do probably the blades are dull but with my unit most of the time i can fish and drill all day on the one battery but usually bring spares as well.

good fishing,


I just watched a video on the clam/plate combo and it looks great.

Boy do I like this idea!Well except for the money it costs for drill and plate.Thanks Bruce!

Will this plate mount on my hand auger;Lazer ice Auger?

I don't know if it will mount directly, but I think it will..... I know there is an adapter you can purchase for using a hand drill on your auger. New this year from Clam is a fits on your existing drill plate, and offers  a 2:1 reduction for larger augers. I know they've recalled some for using powdered iron gears, but the replacements are machined steel. When paired with a Milwaukee Fuel drill, supposedly offers 600 inches of ice cutting capability with an 8" auger..... on one battery.

If I don't build my own, this is the route I will be taking. I already have the exact drill they recommend, ( purchased for our home remodel project, AND with another purpose in mind!!).

Thanks for the reply Tony !

I've had my auger since the 70's even forgot the name but they are no longer made. Does need a carb but runs decent sorta lime green,   in color and a 2 cycle tecumseh engine. I can tell you harder ice is harder to drill but if the auger blade is sharp it will do a number on the ice. If you thinks it's sharp it's probably still  not sharp enough. I take my blades of put them in a vice and file sharpen. It's a talent to file properly but when done keep way away from your body the blade they will do some serious damage. I'll see if I can find the auger and the name on it.

I started doing the math on this last year…

100.00 drill

70.00 for the plate adapter

50.00 for the manual auger

30.00 for blades

250.00 total

280.00 for gas auger

I can't use gas augers on several lakes in my area .


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