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Here's a humorous anecdote from John Gierach in his book ' No shortage of Good Days': " I remember hanging out in a slightly tweedy fly shop one afternoon where the owner was promoting the first generation of powdered desiccant used as a fly floatant .A young hippie friend of mine walked in-complete with long hair and Tie dyed T shirt-and the owner asked, "Have you been using the magic powder?" The guy said," Yeah man , but not when I'm fishing ! "
Here's another from the same book in the chapter entitled, "Cheating" : " a well known local poacher once told me that he'd hiked the long way around to a private lake carrying a belly boat , but when he got there , he discovered he'd forgotten his flippers. So using a pair of pliers and the roll of duct tape he always carries, he fashioned a pair of flippers using two aluminum NO TRESPASSING signs he pried off nearby trees . When I made a skeptical face , he showed me the flippers. He still had them behind the seat of his pickup"
Did you get slapped at first?
guys;; I havent read a book exactly on fishing; mind if I hang in ; add a bit of;; southern humor ??
absolutely Carl!
gonna have to look for some of his books.before the internet,or rather my participating in cyber space,i would read at least a couple books a month and every fishing magazine i could find cover to cover.might throw this laptop in a lake when the ice melts
LOL don't Jim !, check out the free archives here in the other discussions and add some please !
thanks John;; for a bit of; southern humor--- why cant they make a new law ?? why cant they; make a marriage liscense; like a drivers liscense ??? you know; if yo u dont re-new it every so often; it runs out !! think about all the laywers; and judges you could by -pass !! AND !!!! when you first started driving;; didnt you start off with;; a learners permit ??? old reitired guys; have a lot of time to think about the real important things in life ; LOL
ha ha Carl, you should write a book!
in the words; of outdoor writer;; Homer Circle--- noah built a ark; to carry animals ; two by two;; but why didnt he go ahead and swat those flies and moskitoes !!!!
Homer Circle Legendary Fishing Writer ! Haven't heard that name in a while! Love those ol' guys!
"I have seen him cast a Frog a mile ,but the frog left the hook ." Zane Grey
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