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Ok I'm in need of a ruling, and I figured what better place to turn than the pro's here at BBG :).

Ok so what counts as caught? I've heard many rules about this over the years such as, it's counts when you get a clear enough view to identify the fish, it counts if you've had it on your line for x amount of time, it counts if you touch the leader, it doesn't count till it touches the bank or it's in your hand, etc. etc. I want to know what y'all count as caught. And yes I am looking for some sort of justification for the fish I hooked but didn't quite get all the way in today lol

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Simple rule for the Condello's


If you could have put a net to it, it's caught.  We don't bring a net....but if you could have put the net under it, it counts. :-)


I guess I should clarify.  Most of our fish are caught when we are wading, and we generally encourage the fish to release itself whenever possible so we don't have to handle it.  I've had hundreds, or even thousands of fish that I've shaken off with a little flip of the rod tip, and was never forced to handle the fish.  Just trying to maximize the fish's chance of survivial.  Had we chosen to net these fish, 99.5% of them would have been in the net, and could have made other's qualification as "caught", but we would have had to damage the fish by further handling, and abrasion from the net itself.  So I guess we call those caught, but Cal wouldn't, but I guess I'm not really counting anyway.


LOL Cal needs to bag, tag, pic, then release to be satisfied. Common approach to prove that it wasn't a fish-tale from an angler.

I think in competition where there has to be rules agreed on  Cal has it.But the other more humane competition might change the rules in Bruces view .Of course then there has to be instant replays and red flags thrown to the refs


GoPro camera anyone? the helmet cam from a cycling friend, Archos 405. Not the latest tech, but adaptable for both head and mounted views in less than a minute..can't complaint on free gifts.
That gopro is something I definetly would love for when i'm wading for gar and redthroat in the summer
Er....wading for gar?! I don't think reliving the same moment over and over again with the pair of fangs got a hold of my body part is an ideal thing..although, it can surely give everyone else a good laugh.
Yep leo it can be pretty interesting especially when a 4ft dinosaur swims near your leg
4' dino fish with fangs..I'll pass. 4' dino gill, count me in!

Got one for Christmas!  Keep in mind that the wide-angle lens will make your fish look about one inch long when it's in the water! :-)

Well stated, John.  Cal is spot on if there is a competition involved, but if you're merely reporting the number of fish, I think there needs to be more flexibility if you want to minimize handling.  When we fish for striped bass/white bass hybrids, and we're using barbless hooks, we'll sometimes catch ten to fifteen fish in a row without ever needing to touch one.  Just push the rod tip at the fish and "presto", released fish.

Now that qualifies as a catch as far as I'm concerned as well as a concern for the fishes health and not an individuals Ego

and really ,why be absurd about this?, its the beauty of the fish released and a great photo that counts


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