Reply by Bruce Condello on August 21, 2010 at 8:08am
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I'm checking into it. Ning changed from a "free" format to a paid format. There were various options we could take to maintain the site. The one that Aaron and I chose was $250/year. It looked like it would be adequate for this site, but there's a chance that the particular format that we chose doesn't support music apps. The next one up was $750/yr, or something ridiculous like that. Way too much for a site that doesn't generate any income.
Total income for BBG over the last two years of operation?......ZERO :-(
But we like it that way. No point messing up a good thing with lots of advertisements, banners, etc. When I first started putting content on this site, I put some ads on the left side, but there's never been any type of kick-back or anything. I just did it to help some friends.
I'll try to contact Ning about the music app, but in the abscence of revenue, the $700+/year is pretty harsh.
And we all thank you Bruce for the no pop ups or ads. This is just a great website to read, learn, enjoy, and make new friends on. If I'm not reading email, this is the first place I head to multiple times/day. Thanks for all you and Aaron do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!