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How do you take 2 seperate pictures and load the on BBG as one????

Inquireing minds want to know!!!!!!!

Views: 136

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Is this what you got in mind Greg? OH!!! Congratulations!

I did this in Picasa. Here is the free download link.

It is a photo editing program. This is a collage I created there. I coudn't find a text feature on it, (strange) so I opened the assembled collage in and added the names.

Don't click on the green arrow that says download, it is for a toolbar of some kind. Scroll on down a little for Paint download button.

After you have it like you want it, Do the File; save as thing and then post it. OR you can just right click the collage pic here I've already done and do the save as thing to get it on your computer.
Greg, you are one of my favorites on here because you almost NEVER pay attention, even though it don't cost nuthin". This time, I will let you slide because I like your new granddaughters! Nah! You ain't gettin' away.

When you go to the HOW TO group, there is a featured discussion titled HOW DO YOU DO THIS?

The first two paragrapghs read like this:
Let's try one master discussion for those who want to ask for instructions on anything about using this site or bluegill fishing.

Just reply in this discussion with a question or request. Hopefully, someone will know HOW TO and will create a HOW TO discussion for that. Then they can reply right under your reply with a link to the answer.

This is what you owe the not payin' attention penalty for. Your penalty is to be the one who creates a HOW TO discussion explaining how to do what you are asking here. Take your time, after you get through handing out the bubble gum cigars and all. First things first!!!

Sorry Greg, but you got to pay attention or the Boogieman will get you!


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