Bluegill - Big Bluegill

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hello fellow fishing people, Jim n I are going ice fishing tomarrow and i am preparing a special Valentines Day picnic basket, included with pictures
chicken thighs-skin off or on whatever your preferance- i use garlic n herb shake n bake

strawberries & chocolate

party tray-meats and cheeses

honey crisp apples-are there any other kind??


licorice pull n peel--new cinnamon flavor
cup o soup

bake your chicken in your own way that you enjoy, after done and cooled a little, de-bone and place chicken in baggie
same with ribs, de-bone and cut in bite size pieces
make chocolate covered strawberries and place on wax paper in a container
slice apples and place in baggie- or make chocolate covered apple slices
we found a perfect small grill to take on the ice safely and heat up a pan of water for the soup,

and it's great incase we catch fish,,mmmm fresh fish

when soup is heated add your pieces of chicken, stir and enjoy

the dollar store by us sells these huge cups of soup- whatta ya know, a warm up for a buck!

if your on the ice like we are as an all day event, i love to prepare a little the day before see we can be on the ice by 5 or 6 am!

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Comment by Jeremy R. Mayo on February 17, 2010 at 4:50pm
All I ever get is a can of Vienna sausage!
Comment by Greg McWilliams on February 17, 2010 at 4:39pm
What is licorice pull and peel cinnamon? Where do I get it, and if it is cinnamon its gotta be GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Comment by jim n rebecca hickey on February 13, 2010 at 3:12pm
mmm sounds yummy (the all you can eat chocolate buffet)
Comment by 10.5" RES Sharon on February 13, 2010 at 3:03pm
For Valentine's day we are going to a play at a local theatre, followed by "Death by Chocolate" which is an all you can eat chocolate buffet.

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