Bluegill - Big Bluegill

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And see how the size 8 BH Wooly Buggers that I tied up last night work.


I started off with a size 6 Gurgle-Pop as an indicator bug, with a size 8 BH Wooly Bugger on a dropper about 2’ below the Gurgle-Pop.  The first fish decided to go for the Gurgle-Pop:




After a little while, I realized that both flies together were just a little to much for my 5wt.  I took the Gurgle-Pop off, and just tied the BH Wooly Bugger on.  I didn’t need an indicator, as I can see my furled leader twitch, or feel the bite through the line/pole.


Once my casting calmed down a bit, I brought this in:




Then a male Bluegill decided to hit the Wooly Bugger.




Followed by all these Hybrid Sunnies:














I also managed to pull in another 4 or 5 male Bluegill that didn’t get photographed.  One of those Bluegill managed to tangle itself on the same cattail that claimed my Hopper/Dropper rig yesterday, BUT this time I was able to get the fish off, and recovered my rig!  Sweet!  Now, if I can just recover the streamer and Bitsy Minnow that are tangled up on the cattails, and several flies that are either tangled on cattails or hanging on fish lips.

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Comment by Allen Morgan on July 13, 2012 at 3:55pm

I didn't measure any, but I'm pretty sure they were all in the 10 - 12" range, and nice and thick.

Comment by Tony Livingston on July 12, 2012 at 9:07pm

Looks like an awesome place to fish Allen! Good fish!

Comment by dick tabbert on July 12, 2012 at 9:03pm

Nice fish Allen great job. Looks like you got a variety of hybrids.

Comment by Jim Gronaw on July 12, 2012 at 8:57pm

Some of those hybrids are pretty big...any in the 10 inch range?

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