Bluegill - Big Bluegill

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I have a personal best as far as weeds are concerned. Curly Leaf Pond Weed is a fish magnet for me and I have a hard time passing a clump without fishing it. The lakes I fish in Michigan are loaded with them. You may see a single green stalk in 10' or 15' of water depending on water clarity or maybe a ¼ acre or more of them bunched together. They tend to grow deeper than a lot of lake weeds do but they hold fish. If you are fishing larger clumps seem like they always have that clearing or ally for you to through that jig or spinner in. Then there are them holes in the weeds which you don't want to overlook drop a jig down and hang on, I've caught many fish out of them holes. I found if you find Curly Leaf Pond Weed just past the lilly pad break line because they grow in the deeper water then you have an extra bonus again a fish holding magnet which can't be passed up. I do try to fish the deeper weeds in my experience they tend to hold larger fish which may not be true for bedding fish. Weeds are where the fish are if anyone has a favorite weed or weeds share it with us but above all don't hate the weeds fish them you might have the surprised. Of a lifetime.

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Comment by David, aka, "McScruff" on January 25, 2012 at 4:07am

@ Cal and John - yeah someone had to go there!

Comment by cal okeefe on January 25, 2012 at 2:44am

ahaha.. i knew that was my favorite kinda looks funny and kinda smells bad kinda like a skunk .. rofl

Comment by John Sheehan on January 24, 2012 at 8:05pm

David, sorry to hear your Glaucoma is kicking up again!

Comment by David, aka, "McScruff" on January 24, 2012 at 6:59pm

My favorite weed has little to do with water, although it makes one very thirsty.

And it cant really be mentioned here in a family forum. Otherwise, well... never mind.

Comment by Leo Nguyen on January 24, 2012 at 6:07pm

Dick, sorry, should have been clearer. Rather than weeds, why not introduce the microsorum pteropus (java fern) or giant salvinia (fuzzy duck weed), which Bruce seem to have captured the northern strain giants from that pond earlier. These two are great in creating a high oxygenated environment for the pond. Make sure the two plants are authorized by DFG before you start tossing them into the pond.

Comment by dick tabbert on January 24, 2012 at 5:57pm

Leo I don't have a clue what weeds your talking about, but if I put them in my pond the grass carp will probably eat them. Going to work on my pond this spring starting with getting rid of my catfish and I'm thinking maybe also the grass carp I need more input into the mater before I get rid of the grass carp but I'm thinking I need some good weeds. I'll let you know what I'm doing as I go.

Comment by Leo Nguyen on January 24, 2012 at 5:14pm

Not sure if your DFG and local botonist societies permit, needle leaf java fern, also the Indian and African ferns, are a great asset to building a lively habitat under water, near the shallows, without having to create a nightmare of a mess when you're casting your deep diving or floating baits. Freezing temperature could cause the plant to suffer during the cold seasons, but will thrive again during late spring.

Well, if I can genetic mutate the kelp/seaweed for freshwater growth, I would. I started on this project decade ago, but without the genetic modification in the plant, and introduction of the proper nutrients to support the plant structures, it's a no go. However, Bruce nailed it on the spot with the algae within the ponds that he managed. Very nice diversified plant habitat no only great to fish in due to minimal tangling, but also exceptional to introduce a biological passive oxygenation method, beside pumping oxygen through an active method. I still say Bruce, you're a freaking monster when it comes to pond management.

Comment by Greg McWilliams on January 24, 2012 at 3:40pm

For more on these reports contact SNAGGER, he is the best!!!!

Comment by Greg McWilliams on January 24, 2012 at 3:37pm

Although I have not anything as large as Snagger, on a Flyrod they are all fun!!! The one I thought was really a nice turned out to be a BGMD

Comment by Greg McWilliams on January 24, 2012 at 3:34pm

I will take smaller ones if that is all I can catch!!!

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