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I have had back problems for awhile now and had back surgery earlier this year. This has limited what I can lift to 25 lbs ...that is unless I want to screw it up more and have to have the disk fused. Not what i want to do. Anyway I can't really get my kayaks to the water right now, vehicle issues, but even if I could lifting them is out of the question. Working on a trailer build that will help some. 
Ok back to the reason for this post...I was wondering if anyone is using a float tube. I recently bought one and I am having a blast in it. It weighs almost nothing and I can get in places that even my kayak could not. 
I have a Cumberland by Classic Accessories 
Click image for larger version.  Name: DSCN0565.jpg  Views: 17  Size: 108.7 KB  ID: 101369 Click image for larger version.  Name: DSCN0572.jpg  Views: 15  Size: 107.8 KB  ID: 101377 Click image for larger version.  Name: DSCN0578.jpg  Views: 17  Size: 78.8 KB  ID: 101385Don't mind the date I fixed that .

Not to take away from this site , I found a Float Tube Form while researching before I bought my tube. Like here they have a lot of great info specifically for tubes.

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Comment by Jeff Soto on July 21, 2016 at 3:43pm

Hey Eddie,  I'm a little late to this ball game, but I did see my name mentioned here about float tubing.  I also have back problems, but as an older man who has been very physical with my work for the past 45 years, (I'm now retired) I have found that sitting in a float tube is way better than standing up fishing.  Hopefully you don't have a long walk from your vehicle to the water..that's another story entirely.  Float tubing is just so much fun.  Especially when the water is warm enough to go in without those clumsy chest waders..  I invite you Eddie to look at "my page" here on BigBluegill and view my photos.

Comment by Leo Nguyen on June 26, 2016 at 3:52pm

If your waters are calm, get one, and you'll understand the value of its simplicity. Don't get tube that you have to sit in the water. You need to be above the water, like the Cumberland and FishCat.

Comment by Bruce Tomaselli on June 26, 2016 at 3:22pm

My buddy is trying to talk me into buying one. Looks like a cool way to chase gills and bass.

Comment by Leo Nguyen on June 24, 2016 at 9:04am
There are plenty of us tubers in SoCal, and even more so on this site. They may not report in their catches in the float tubes, doesn't mean they don't have one. Time and water tempt play the roles of restriction.

You can find me under TheAsianGuy there.
Comment by Eddie Mathis on June 24, 2016 at 3:28am

Hey, Leo,good to see more of us on here. I knew there had to be some on here in a tube. It is just too great a way to go after gills. I am Deepblu505 on the tube forum.

The float tube seems to be real popular in Cal. seems like most of the guys on the forum are from there.

Comment by Leo Nguyen on June 22, 2016 at 9:08pm

I'm part of that forum as well. So are the few of members here. Among them, like Jeff Soto, I do use the float tube, which is a Fish Cat 4 LS, decked out as best that I can. I'm one of the modders there that contributed to the tubes' mods, which can be more costly than the tubes. Like you, I use kayaks as well as float tubes, depending on the location and what kind of nightmares I face during my expedition.

Comment by carl hendrix on June 22, 2016 at 4:32pm


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