Do you love big bluegill?
It's that time of year again in Northern Minnesota, when the lakes lock up, the hands, go numb, and we drill to get our fish! Local reports are flooding in with 4-5 inches on most of the smaller lakes. Some of the larger lakes have ice up it is dangerous yet. I don't know when I will be able to get the auger out this year. I have been dealing with Sciactica since September 22nd. I have done phyisical theropy for a month and a half, and most recently had a spinal epidural cortisone shot in…
ContinueAdded by Patrick "Bullworm" Olson on November 29, 2013 at 6:59pm — 3 Comments
Many things that happen in nature are very interesting and the color changes for the Black Crappie species is pretty cool. Down here on the tidal waters these fish go through three distinct color changes which are easy indications of the season. Just curious if the other members that catch a few crappie along the way see similar changes in their region......I've included a few pictures to support these facts......…
ContinueAdded by Jeffrey D. Abney on November 24, 2013 at 8:22am — 15 Comments
As per request of BBG members, I will try to post the article from my files about our recent trip to the rivers of the Albermarle. This appeared in this Sundays issue of the Carroll County of the regional column I do on fishing in the Mid Atlantic region.
Here are the photos with the text...…
ContinueAdded by Jim Gronaw on November 11, 2013 at 7:15am — 5 Comments
hi i'am new to this site,but thanks to all of you,i now have some friends who believe in bluegills as i do.most of my
so - so -called fishing buddie's laugh at me for fishing for blue-gills.i have been catching some nice size gills,in the
one to two pd sizes.when they see them,they don't believe me.i like pleasant lake and out by fountain hills,that's where i catch the most.
ContinueAdded by william h howard on November 8, 2013 at 3:50pm — 1 Comment…
ContinueAdded by John Sheehan on November 6, 2013 at 8:00am — 24 Comments
Spring and summer has gone past and i didnt even really get to fish much. We had horrible weather,, rising water,... just a horrible fishing season for freshwater. Saltwater, reds and specks, thats all good, but not too great with freshwater.
I goofed and left my Master telescopic pole in the sun and it messed it up.
Wanted to ask yall , for those who jig for gill and sacalait, what colors tend to work best in the Fall? Down here, blue and white.. seems to work best, a…
ContinueAdded by Timbaux65 on November 3, 2013 at 4:11pm — 1 Comment
Literally, blew a gasket. Last week, I was heading out on Saturday to a local pond when I noted a cloud of smoke following me. I pulled off the road and to my amazement, found oil pouring from my engine. Luckily I was still close to home and got back without damage to the engine.
On a positive note, my truck is running again. I had to tear down the front and bottom of the engine, as in totally removed. I've replaced all the seals, oil pump, timing belts, re-timed and tested it this…
ContinueAdded by David, aka, "McScruff" on November 2, 2013 at 8:30pm — 5 Comments
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