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  • San Diego, CA
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  • Kirk Metoyer
  • Raymond Oscar Colon
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  • Tommy Mikic
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  • Mark Sleeper
  • Rick King
  • Suzanne Lazar
  • Allen Morgan
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  • Leo Nguyen

JBplusThuy's Discussions

Perris (California)
1 Reply

Started this discussion. Last reply by Slip Sinker Apr 5, 2017.

Where to get a good wooden rod rack?
4 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by JBplusThuy Jan 30, 2014.

San Vicente Reservoir, San Diego

Started Dec 14, 2012

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JBplusThuy's Blog

11 at my local ponds tonight

I got 11 at my local ponds tonight. Could've done more, maybe, but I forgot to bring a light and the last fish swallowed the hook deep and I had to cut it off. It was too dark to see to tie on another and the moon wasn't high enough in the sky yet to use that :p

None bigger than 6 inches - these ponds that seemed just about devoid of fish 2 years ago are now jammed full of aggressive, small BG and there also seems to have been a bumper crop spawn of LMB this year ; 3-5 inch baby…


Posted on September 28, 2012 at 10:07pm — 6 Comments

Finally got on the water!

I finally got on the water today for the first time in ages, rising at 4:00 for the occasion. Float tube, a couple of fly rods, and one spinning rod preloaded into the minivan the night before, so all I had to do was get in and drive.

The day started off really slow. After paddling from the parking lot area across to where I intended to start prospecting, I had a tiny bass (6 or 7" hit the popper I was trolling from my fly rod as I went. Then, around the point, some hits on a…


Posted on July 5, 2012 at 3:14pm — 8 Comments

Great buying experience!

I just had such a good experience buying a fly rod that I want to give public recognition to Ron at Hook and Hackle ( I ordered a Bug Launcher outfit on Friday night for my daughter and she needed to get it by Friday to take on a trip with her. Ron saw to it that it shipped from TFO's warehouse by expedited shipping and got it here on Thursday! Way to go!

Have yet to try it out, but the Bug Launcher feels great just in my hand. Went with the 7' 4/5 wt as recommended by…


Posted on June 28, 2012 at 11:06pm — 1 Comment

Big BG Hybrid Caught in San Diego

I saw this on the San Diego Union-Tribune fishing report:

"Murray: Kendra Ball, 4.25-pound bluegill-redear sunfish hybrid, crawdad, San Carlos Arm."

Lake Murray, in Suburban San Diego, would be considered a farm pond in some parts of the country, having just 171 surface acres when full. IIRC it has quagga mussels, and the redear are apparently taking advantage. Do BG hybrids have the pharyngeal teeth of redear?

Unfortunately, there was no photo in…


Posted on June 4, 2012 at 1:53pm — 8 Comments

I stumbled across another bluegill fishing site last night that has a lot of nice information. Some of you probably already know about it, but for anyone like me, who didn't:

Posted on July 12, 2011 at 2:53pm — 1 Comment

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At 8:43am on August 3, 2014, David, aka, "McScruff" said…
The Dark Side, John
At 7:14am on August 3, 2014, John Sheehan said…

JB, how does one prepare eels to eat .I've never done it and would like to know ! All the best ,John .

At 11:30am on July 5, 2014, Kirk Metoyer said…
Thank you I will join.
At 2:16pm on June 24, 2014, Raymond Oscar Colon said…

You must have lived near the AMC theatre. Thanks for adding me to your friends list.

At 5:05pm on April 30, 2013, Leo Nguyen said…

JB, looks like my family may be hitting Salton Sea this weekends. It's going to get hotter and hotter, and the bites are going to be crazy all the northern loop (much safer to eat than near the Red Hill areas). Go before it gets way too hot (in the 120°).

At 5:06pm on February 15, 2013, DAVID L EITUTIS said…


I'll be proud to be on your friends list and thanks much ...........

At 5:38pm on May 1, 2010, Dave Sabo said…
Thanks jonathon. My kids are grown , and we have long cold winters here in Michigan. You will find time some day,and when you do you will become a fly tying adict no way around it.Have fun and catch lots of fish.
At 10:42am on December 29, 2009, Jeremy R. Mayo said…
Yea Jonathan, Tell them girls that. Its true the only way to catch one like that is to keep the bait in the water. When we get to the camp or launch the boat shes wettin a hook before we can pull out or start unloading stuff. She keeps a hook in the water and refuses to quit until I crank the boat up and start moving or we run out of bait.
At 4:34pm on September 15, 2009, IceWarriorGill said…
Hi Jonathan, Thanks for your nice comment on my 2 Crappie!! I likewise am envious of all the Monster fish (of all species) which come out of your neck of the woods (California) as well as the rest of the country!! Maybe one day the Mrs and I will have some time to take a long road trip and explore as many different fishing spots across the country as we can!!! I hope so anyway!!! Tight Lines!!!!
At 8:31pm on August 14, 2009, Kiana Fitzpatrick said…
Welcome to the site....bring on the fish!!

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Down East North Carolina Daily Double…..3/23/2025

"Understand……hope you get out soon Bruce!"
Bruce Tomaselli commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Down East North Carolina Daily Double…..3/23/2025

"I think it won't be until near the end of April until the water warms enough to start the…"
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Nice Take, Hook Set at 12 O’clock…3/23/2025

"This shot was cool with the jig visible through this crappie’s mouth… the 12…"
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Some Beautiful Clean Crappie…New Arrivals Shallow….3/23/2025

"You can tell this fish has been out deep…..very clean both sides , fins not busted up, tail…"
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Down East North Carolina Daily Double…..3/23/2025

"I hope it’s soon Bruce….looks like a pretty big warmup in the south, hope some it…"
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Down East North Carolina Daily Double…..3/23/2025

"Thanks Dick…this was our best trip for shallow crappie this year……I love…"
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo
Bruce Tomaselli commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo
dick tabbert commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo
dick tabbert commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo
Jeffrey D. Abney posted photos
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Down East North Carolina Daily Double…..3/23/2025

"Thanks John….still keep having cold fronts and clippers but the fish here are so ready to…"
John Sheehan commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Down East North Carolina Daily Double…..3/23/2025

"Beauties with Tuxedos! Good work, Jeffrey!"
Jeffrey D. Abney posted photos
Jeffrey D. Abney posted photos
Jeffrey D. Abney posted a status
"Son-in-law and I splashed this morning behind a mild cold front, 47 degrees and shifting winds ….surface temps from 56.7 to 58.1 degrees…."
John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's photo

1st bassxrap

"I dressed better the 2nd outing, Jeff! LOL Was more comfortable."
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on John Sheehan's photo

1st bassxrap

"Way to endure the cold water John…"
Mar 22
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo
Mar 22

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