HEY OLE MIKE, another Iowa gill pic goes in my favorites!!!!!! This young angler is a lucky young un to have someone who cares enough to take him fishing were the BIG UNS ARE! SOUTHEAST IOWA RULES!!!!!!!!! EVER HEARD OF SUGEMA?
Far as I know, that fish is still swimming. With public waters one never knows for sure. Most every where we fish is public waters. If you wish to fish that lake it is located generaly between Ontario and Huston, TX. within the boundries of Iowa. lol I would narrow it down to a name for Iowa residents.ole Mike
Comment by David Merical on October 29, 2008 at 2:40pm
Heckuva dandy bluegill!! Now I know who that person is that is catching all the big ones in Iowa. I knew it wasn't me! ;o)
Comment by crappiecrazy on October 29, 2008 at 1:49pm
If that is "decent" all mine must be "puny". Nice gill Brandon!
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