Do you love big bluegill?
I often find Fliers mixed in with other sunfish beds like Bluegill. Some of the biggest Fliers I have ever caught have come out of large Bluegill beds. Has anyone else had the same experience in…Continue
Started by Jeffrey D. Abney. Last reply by Jeffrey D. Abney Dec 25, 2011.
Welcome to the group Bill.......I remember seeing some fine fliers you posted from Richmond Mill............what do you think about the species?
Welcome just happen to live pretty close to the location that the world record flier was caught last year.........Have you ever caught a Flier?
Ms. Twia Gates took these two world class fliers earlier this year in a cypress pond in JAckson County, Florida,,,,,,The fish in her right hand has also been certified as tie for the IGFA World Record.......She states she has fished since she was a little girl and on this occasion she was fishing with her son and his friend so she was so excited to find out it was actually a record...........
It was very interesting to say the least.........quickly found some willing black crappie at sunrise and observed a similar frenzy to a pond feeder near the mouth of a tidal creek in water I knew was three to four feet at the most but I quickly put out a marker on the crappie and shifted the boat in position to offer a live minnow in the frenzy and immediately the float plunged at the reaction of a solid flier.........this continued for well over an hour and included a break to return to the crappie marker with good success but the fliers boiling on the surface continued to be a distraction so I returned to the mouth and caught another 40 fliers before departing as planned before the trip at 11:00 am........I've caught over a hundred several times in the Spring but until Saturday I had never seen this in October for Fliers..........I'll never forget the trip but truly wonder if it was a once in a lifetime experience...........I fish often year round and still Mother Nature can surprise and reward the dedicated angler........There are bigger fish and more well known but I'm thankful for this rare but relentless sunfish species....
Astonishing catch, Jeffrey! I can't imagine all those great fish in a single afternoon! Congrats!
I experienced the best October trip for fliers yesterday catching 112 and more than two dozen of those were over 10 inches,,,,,,,what a thrill to locate and catch these aggressive fish which yesterday was like fishing a big bluegill bed in after fish in a small creek channel with just a two to three foot drop off but it was packed with a ton of big fliers and also tidal crappie..........
Big Flier of the day was just under 11 inches......a beautiful fish....
Here;s a solid double from the trip prior to release......
What a beautiful species of sunfish.....
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