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Windy conditions today didn't allow me to enjoy kayaking and fly fishing, so I made use of the day to tackle a chore I had been putting up and organizing my fly tying bench.  It's amazing how by this time of year my bench looks like it should have yellow caution tape wrapped around it from all of the left over materials and feathers from previous fly tying sessions scattered about, as if a bomb had gone off in a craft store with a couple of chickens as victims.  I have probably a life time supply of various feathers and materials, but you always hate to throw away that piece of chenille,  fragment of rubber legs, that small clipping of crystal flash, those bead chain eyes you cut that went flying and you didn't find until now, and the mangled remains of a fire red marabou feather.  You get to thinking "Hey, I could probably get a fly out of this!!"  So I give you the glorious creature that arose off of my bench from the remains of other flies....... Behold.... Frankenfly!!!!

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LOL That's awesome! You got to report back on how well it fairs in the water.

How about the PHOENIX !!!! JUST like the mythical bird that arose from the ashes of war. Anyone besides me remember the movie FLIGHT OF THE PHOENIX with JImmy Stewart who crashed a plane in the desert?  Then rebuilt it to rise again into the air to save all his buddy's. By the way this is a great looking bug!!!!

Looks like that could be a Crappie killer. Nice fly for sure.

I like the name. But I agree with Tooti, I like the idea of (the PHOENIX). If you saw the movie it will give you the blueprint for making your next fly. Yes it was a great movie............

Good name Tooty and nice picture Rex I think we have a photographer in our midst also.


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"Oh, good for you, Bruce. More satisfying!"
Bruce Tomaselli commented on John Sheehan's group Lure History
"Hey John, I Have, but I also tie my own."
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