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ok so whats the difference or is there a difference.. as far as i can tell a redear just has a red or orange color on its ear.. now the pumpkinseed also has a red or orange color on its ear but has white on the sides of the red color.. is there any other real difference.. ive seen people call redears pumpkinseeds and seen people call pumpkinseeds redears..

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Color and size red ear get pretty big 

down here in Louisiana we call the redear chinquapin or chinks for short,this fish is more aggressive then the pumpkinseed and a study stated that  competition between the two species resulted in a 56% reduction in pumpkinseed abundance, and a 69% reduction in average snail biomass when compared with lakes without redear. this is in lakes where the redear was introduced and was not

 i catch a few pumpkinseed  in the lakes here in louisiana although in the creeks and bayous where there is running water i have caught some real nice pumpkinseed.although i have caught some pumpkinseed in lake chicot where i do most of my fishing ,they are always small,after reading this study i understand why.

 here is the link:


I think a lot of times there are local names for different types of fish. I know what I call a bluegill people out west call a sun perch or a perch. I always thought that the "punkin" seeds as I call them were very brightly colored.

My cousin in Minnesota seems to refer to all small fish as "sunnies." Of course she is referring to members of the sunfish family, and she makes no distinction between the different subtypes, no matter how much I correct her.

Ive also heard of bluegill called "perch"

Thats the way it is around here (as David says above), ther all lumped into the same basket, ask a old timer what he's catch'n & he'll say "shellcarcker" or "brim",  they call them the same as ther parents did back in the day & realy didnt know any better, but I've always wundred which fish was which myself,now I know a little more.


Thanks guys.

Redear or Pumpkinseed? I caught this out of the Suwannee River in Fargo, Ga



ok then what is this? caught Legg Lake El Monte, CA

Looks like a Hybrid Bluegill to me... (Bluegill X Green Sunfish cross). I think it may be a generation or two removed from the original cross. (F2 or F3)

It's so hard to tell, though. There could be something, somewhere, in it's lineage besides a Greenie and a Bluegill.

Could it be a bluegill/warmouth cross?


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