Bluegill - Big Bluegill

Do you love big bluegill?

You know how some fish are just calling out to be eaten? You know, these are plentiful fish that bite reliably, are usually always around and which are just the right pan size. But no one keeps these fish for eating, because they have  a "muddy" or "weedy" taste.  I'm thinking of fish like bullheads, certain catfishes, carp, and even largemouth bass, at times.


Much of this has to do with the waters they come from, of course. But  some fish are reputed to just be not worth eating, for that strong muddy taste they develop. If you've ever wished that you could change that, here may be your answer.


I was recently researching carp, and found an obscure method for preparing them. This "secret" trick was said to remove any objectionable taste they might have. making them sweet and crisp to the palate. SO what is this miracle method?


It's real simple - soak the cleaned fish in lemon line soda pop! Whether filets or skin-on-whole, letting them steep in a bath of 7-UP takes the bad taste away!

And it works with the cheap stuff as well as the premier brands. just soak the fish for 45 minutes or so and pat dry before cooking in your usual way. Our own Mike Stacy tried it today, panfrying bullhead Southern-style. Here's what he says:


The lemon/lime soda worked the best... in one hour it made the fillets noticeably paler than the ginger ale I also tried, and the fillets had a wonderful flavor. The gamy taste of black bullhead was removed very nicely. The ginger ale worked, but not as well. 

An excellent way to deal with a strong flavored fish! I am delighted with the results!  Chek lemon/lime soda  (Chek is a store brand) for one hour did the trick. Spread the word. Shout it from the mountaintops.

Time for me to do dishes, and then maybe take a nap. [Burrrp!]












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Oh yeah! I fished with a lot of Phillipino friends when I lived on the Big Island! We had good times. 

And sometimes we caught nothing [rare, but it happens] and we ate bait... no joke... that's survival. Always buy the FRESHEST box of frozen Ika [squid] and keep it on ice... it may be dinner! But squid is GOOD! Peel the skin off and cook it up! They'll snatch a glow in the dark twister tail fished slow, and fresh squid is PRIME. I fished Ika Shibi [handline yellowfin tuna] for the japanese sashimi market, and we raced to snatch up the squid they disgorged on the deck, and throw them on ice... not because we NEEDED them [HANDLINE tuna = $12 lb, whole, cash at the dock] but because we LIKED them! Your stomach doesn't always care what your mind thinks... and sometimes the happiness of being a fisherman will lead you to enjoy the STRANGEST things... we washed and peeled those very fresh squid, cooked them between hookups, and loved every bite!

If we can get people eating the silver carp, I'll open a restaurant, and life will be GOOD!

Right now, I'm getting ready to make the label for my eBay hook company I mentioned in the other post... "Mikes Hooks catch FISH!"... 

It is good to be a fisherman... I know I am blessed! Without doubt...

There will always be some freaky looking fish to fill my belly, and I'll eat the thing, gladly!

Soaking it in lemon-lime soda pop, of course! *thumbsup*
idk if you have ever filleted a sauger, walleye, pike, or muskie its the same concept lol
Growing up in East Texas on a farm, everyone had a water troff for the cattle...  always full of fresh clean water.  People just tossed their catfish into the water troff for a week or so to "wash the muddy taste out of it".
I guess that the same principle as putting a possum underneath a #2 washtub with some sweet potatoes for a week to clean him out and sweeten him up.     LOFR
Ive heard the same thing with carp, too, Stan.
I have watched how to fillet a carp and read how to make fish taste better and these are amazing posts ,,,bbbbuuuttttt. with all the good tasting boneless fillets you could possibly want out there with Bluegill, redear, walleyes, perch, striped bass and yes even largemouth, smallmouth and spotted bass....why eat a fillet of carp..let the stinking things get eat up by someone else....with the comming of BASS we are to believe that by eating bass and their subspecies we are hurting the Mega Dollar empire that Bassmasters has lead us to believe that by taking bass we are the demise of the bass fishery. Studies from several universities such as Texas AM and Auburn have stated, the mortality of fish caught and hauled around all day and then weighed and released is not real good , only around 60% make it, the mortality rate is lower than you would expect. So eat em up boys and girls and never fillet a carp again..LMAO

Why eat carp? Mostly because you can. The fish was originally imported for that reason. At some point it might become necessary. The more public fishing waters that close, or as crowds increase, the existing fisheries must experience a tipping point. If that ever happens, you might as well be ready - at least not surprised.

Besides you can do what few others are brave enough to try. By all accounts, carp can be made to eat quite nicely. Sure there are other fish you can consume, okay. I get that.

But if you are gonna catch something, you ought to at least consider eating it.

David , you are right but I hope those days are a long time off. I cooked catfish for supper last night we caught in a local town lake and they were great after the lateral line was taken out. It is about how to prepare when needed and your post was really informative. I liked the hands on videos. Thanks Vic

Reading back through my response, it sounded kinda smarmy - I apologize.

I'm going to the river again this weekend in hopes of snagging a cat. I've learned a few new tricks for that particular river, from an old-hand resident.


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