Bluegill - Big Bluegill

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Some different materials and methods.
We'll see which catch da fishes.

  • Currently 5/5 stars.

Views: 337

Albums: My flies


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Comment by Mark Sleeper on December 10, 2013 at 11:17am

nice flies, they look fishy

Comment by dick tabbert on December 10, 2013 at 10:50am

David just thought I'd put my 2 cents worth in. Can't tell you how I enjoy my tying but I refused to let it consume me mainly cause all the stuff going on around here as you know and I want to keep it a pleasure and rushing to get numbers out would illuminate the pleasure part. Can't tell you the money I have wrapped up in it and I'll never get it back except it keeps me sane and it does do that well. Only thing I can add and I'm sure many who are in the business will agree is that once your committed to tying as a income all the fun is gone. It may last for awhile till you get to big and overwhelmed but once to numbers come in it will no longer be fun then it officially a business. If the numbers come in and its a real business you take pride in and put your name on it's up to you to have the finest quality you can possibly have and that means not cutting corners and put out a quality product. I fined that as a person who love to tie really don't want to be rushed.  So once you start cutting corners and quality for numbers your clientele will know.  Like Jim say's is a quality product getting that repeat bossiness. I guess what I'm saying is if your doing it cause you love it that's good if your doing it to make money that another road traveled, think it out and I know you will. Good luck what ever you do.

Comment by David, aka, "McScruff" on December 10, 2013 at 10:29am
Nice jig spinners. I've actually used those, in the same manner with my own hand tied flies.
I've got a couple of rarely seen, even forgotten, notions along these lines that may be worthy of resurrecting. Best keep them under my hat for now.
No way did I think you discouraging... the voice of reason, as I see it. Again, not looking for riches or fame, just options.
Anything said here is held in the highest esteem, Jim.
Comment by jim cosgrove on December 10, 2013 at 10:10am

david these were a lot easier to sell and make,when i work i make a lot of money.good union construction job.but it takes a lot out of me so it is hard to keep up with poppers went to france germany the uk and spain,even Hawaii.had a few repeat buyers.i am working on a coupe things,i have noticed that an ice fishing version of a fly sells pretty well .sorry if i sounded like i was trying to discourage you.not trying to at all.i just cannot tie the same fly 100s of times without feeling like a boring job.i was successful sold a few 100 flies and jigs a year.hey cabela's started out as a home based mail order business .

Comment by jim cosgrove on December 10, 2013 at 9:53am

Comment by David, aka, "McScruff" on December 10, 2013 at 9:27am
Wow, thanks everyone. I appreciate the comments. Later, when I'm on a computer I'll summarize it all into a "template for success."
I've had some interest in the earrings idea already and I do like the slogan, LOFR.
Lots of food for thought and great brainstorming!
Comment by Leo Nguyen on December 10, 2013 at 9:07am

Tooty, when it comes to unique bugs, each person can create similar to, but never the exact bugs. I can look at your bugs, and detailed instructions, for days, using the same spinning, licking, and spitting method until I turn into a mummy. However, the final results will be the same: never exactly the same bug. There are too many variant applied into the bugs that we made, such as our personalities, our methodology, and our preference while making the bugs. I made quite a few to replicate yours, and although the appearance is the same, I don't depart your flies that I got from you. I gave my flies to my friends to use, which yield the similar effectiveness as yours. They voiced out their needs of customized color scheme, and materials as they report in their "match the hatch" field discoveries. However, using your flies, even though the "match the hatch" is no where close to what you've made, your bugs still make the killing. Thus, I'm holding onto your bugs, just like how I hold onto every master tyer in here, and made replicas to provide to my friends after reverse engineering the bugs.

As Tony indicated, it's about promoting your skills, and selling your skills for a price. Every person, company, and a name that has endured throughout the trials of time, will shine gloriously after the tests have been passed with flying colors.

Comment by Tony Livingston on December 10, 2013 at 8:15am

David, anything you can do to promote fishing in general is a good thing, anything you do to promote bluegill fishing is great,I  believe bluegill fishermen are happier people than bass fishermen , less cost and more fish ! Instead of trying to saturate the market which keeps prices low  I think you should build brand recognition where people want to buy your gift boxes because they want to fish with your flies only, it's easier to sell more when the fishermen are looking for you vs you trying to find fishermen to use your flys.  You want to hear " I caught it on a McScruff " , and " Fishing is rough  without a McScruff " . Build that name brand recognition, make them come to you,also have a line of flys for the ladies to use as ear rings, if you get that started hold on . LOFR

I agree with this. And a good many American business success stories are based upon this philosophy. But be aware that there is a long, looooonnnngggg period of very lean times before you turn the corner. You  must get your name out there first....and you do that by getting your product out there, into the hands of those folks who can, and are willing, to promote it for you.

That's how brand recognition is achieved.  One step at a time.

Comment by DAVID L EITUTIS on December 10, 2013 at 8:08am

David Tony and Mark both have great input here and I'd not hesitate to take eithers advise when it comes to your upcoming venture...
  Thanks Mark for the template comment , I just wish more people would take advantage of the patterns that have served me well for 30+ years. Maybe they do already and I just don't know it ........Mark anytime you run outta templates let me know and more will come to ya buddy and thanks so much for your Poppers, they are as good as they get buddy !

Comment by Lord of the Fly , Rods on December 10, 2013 at 8:02am

David, anything you can do to promote fishing in general is a good thing, anything you do to promote bluegill fishing is great,I  believe bluegill fishermen are happier people than bass fishermen , less cost and more fish ! Instead of trying to saturate the market which keeps prices low  I think you should build brand recognition where people want to buy your gift boxes because they want to fish with your flies only, it's easier to sell more when the fishermen are looking for you vs you trying to find fishermen to use your flys.  You want to hear " I caught it on a McScruff " , and " Fishing is rough  without a McScruff " . Build that name brand recognition, make them come to you,also have a line of flys for the ladies to use as ear rings, if you get that started hold on . LOFR

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