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Comment by dick tabbert on October 25, 2012 at 2:38pm

Personally I would suggest they let the weeds alone. I remember a pond I fished in Ohio State owned and not a problem catching 30 or 40 Bass that when I fish Bass heavy. I would tie on a Grass Frog Junior and catch lots of Bass. Waited about a month went back and all the weeds in the lake were gone. Needless to say the frog didn't fair well after that. Why would someone go in and kill and entire lake of weeds especially if the lake was a fishing lake to me I'll never know. I do know fish relate to weeds. I could see if the lake was an all sports lake but even they don't kill the entire lake of weeds. Just wanted to vent, I happen to love weeds and I know once and awhile you have to thin them out THIN is the worn not total weed kill. Thanks for listening to me feel sorry for myself.

Comment by John Sheehan on October 25, 2012 at 2:17pm

I want to suggest weed rakes to the Community board but don't know the detailed process .

Comment by Leo Nguyen on October 25, 2012 at 2:14pm

No kidding John. This one didn't quite hid well enough before it got caught.

Dick, too bad the local pond owners don't salvage the weeds and use them as fertilizer. Extremely helpful with organic farms.

Comment by John Sheehan on October 25, 2012 at 2:03pm

I hear you Dick!!

Comment by dick tabbert on October 25, 2012 at 2:01pm

Gee I wonder what they spray your lettuce and other veggies with when you buy them from the grocery store. Beside weed killers before they plant their crop to keep weed growth down, all the fertilizers, and all the pesticides WOW. Nothing hardly safe to eat or drink. But they usually post when they are spraying and when the fish are safe to consume that is you believe all that junk.

Comment by John Sheehan on October 25, 2012 at 1:50pm

Leo, a Ninja Perch playing hide and seek!?

Comment by John Sheehan on October 25, 2012 at 1:50pm

Thanks for that reply Tony ! I am under the impression Copper Sulfate is being used somewhat irresponsibly at my home lake  but this Suburabn lake has a few Catch and release fisherman that use it and that's it so they dont seem concerned .I thinking the swim club parants and kids should be though. I am more and more envying the resources of big Mideastern lakes and less populated areas .

Comment by Tony Livingston on October 25, 2012 at 1:39pm

Copper Sulfate has been used to treat pond algae for years. And it does indeed work, although there are pond-friendler forms of chelated copper available these days.

Comment by Leo Nguyen on October 25, 2012 at 12:55pm

Perch shrouded in darkness cammo.

Comment by John Sheehan on October 25, 2012 at 12:54pm

Not sure if its Copper phosphate, it might be Copper Sulfate .Dont know my Chemistry .What do the Pond Bosses use ?

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