Bluegill - Big Bluegill

Do you love big bluegill?

I went down to the pond today; I just hadda get out! I've never caught much in this locale, and even with all the talk of warming backwaters we've had lately, that didn't change today.  I guess the fish didnt get the memo about moving into lee shallows where I can catch them. I got a few tentative bumps and tugs dragging curly tail grubs around the weeds beds, but that was it.

While near the tree in the first pic, I was approached by a some sort of water rodent. He came paddling towards me from the blown down tree seen in the pics middle distance. About ten feet away, he realized I was there, watching him. He pulled up short,  threw up his nose and gave me a small snort. Then he rolled over and disappeared beneath the water.

It was cool and quiet which was nice... until three or four jon-boats showed up to break the calm. Time to go, then!

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Pretty area David...I would definitely give it another shot......I like wood in the water......

Oh, I'll go back throughout the year. I have caught fish here, before... just not a lot. This is the pond where I catch all the large shiners, and last year I got a couple of nice bass, too.

The truth is, we don't enjoy a lot of public access waters in this area. Very few, in fact. This particular one is heavily pressured, and it is hardly a 'private preserve.' It's actually a county park, with nature trails, sports fields and so on. So a lot of people visit. It should be a good place to run the kayak, and maybe that will help me find the trick.

Or, I'll just enjoy it for what it is. Thanks, Jeff.

Nice looking spot, and it may be a sleeper. We have several small park style lakes in my area, and some of them have excellent fishing, due to the fact that most folks don't think there's anything in 'em!

Thanks, Jim.

I dont think that is the case here. When I was there Sunday, three jon-boats showed up and put in with a fourth arriving as I left. The lake is also close to several large housing sub-divisions, no doubt seen as a local "go to" spot.

I'll keep my radar on for more places, of course and wont be deterred that easily! 

Nice Spot,  ( DICKENS QUOTE HERE)   :-)

Nice looking secluded place David it would be worth going just for the solitude. Just by looking at it ,it looks fishy. 

It does look like that in these pics, Dick. That's the look I was going for - not too shabby for a cell phone camera! LOL

But looks can be deceiving, as I've indicated in the posts above. How many fish are there? I don't really know. I DO know it is heavily fished and gets a lot of attention. Every time I go there I end up with a couple of new bobbers, some plastic worms and an occasional piece of tackle - all left behind by previous anglers. This goes on all season long.

How many people does it take, visiting a small, 30 acre pond like this, for that to occur? Well, you do the math.

I see it as a challenge to catch fish there and, interestingly, have not caught any sunfish larger than a few inches. If they exist, they do so in places I have yet to reach.

Fortunately, there are large sections of the pond which seem to be untouched by most anglers. They hit the accessible edges and the middle - and that's about it. Most fishermen I see there are not very methodical; this is probably true most ANYPLACE you choose to go. Soaking worms and losing hardware seems to be about as far their planning goes. In the end that may be the one thing in my favor at this spot.

Nice looking area, wishing there was some area's in jersey that look's like this. Loving those tree's out there.

Thanks, Angelo.

Time will tell if there is anything to be caught.

Good Luck out there


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"Thank you! Happy New Year to you, Jeffrey!!"
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