Bluegill - Big Bluegill

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Here I sit with 2 brand new pflueger trion 5 wt rods, 2 brand new pflueger auto reels, 4 packs of coutland WF6F line, and absolutely no clue how to get it on there. Do I need backing, Aint there supposed to be an eyelet, Whats the cheap way to make some tippets, how do I tie these knots, and LORD SOMEBODY HELP ME ITS ALLMOST TIME TO FISH >>>>>> I SPENT ALL THIS MONEY AND I HAVE NO CLUE HOW TO GET IT PUT TOGETHER!


  I guess this is my fault since I did the discount shopping and hunting for the ultimate deal in price. If I woulda bought it all from my local fishing shop as one set up and had them to string it Id be looking easily at close to $160 in the rods... $100 in the reels, and another $160 in the line. They woulda strung it and put it all together for me but I shopped and shopped all winter long and ended up with only $50 in the line ($10 a pack on sale for march madness at bass pro... They were sold out 3 hours after opening) , $75 for both rods with shipping, and $60 with shipping on the reels. I got $185 bucks in my 2 setups vs $420. Thanks to all the knowhow on I know somebody on here can tell me I did a great job at saving $235 and yall can show more or direct me to web sites with videos and illistratutions on how to put these things together! Im sure there are a few of you that have your own.



Wanting to take a kid fly fishing in the delta,


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I'm not a great expert in flyfishing, but until one chimes in I'll offer a couple thoughts. You don't need backing unless you're worried about the possibility of hooking a ten-pound catfish, which could conceivably take all of your fly line; but you shouldn't need it for bluegill. Any decent tackle store should sell the eyelets for connecting the fly line to the leader, or you can look for a diagram online on how to tie a nail knot. As to a cheap way to make tippets, it might be cheaper just to buy some that are already tapered as they'll probably perform better; but you could make your own simply by tying three different line tests together, with the biggest of course by the fly line and the smallest at the hook, with blood knots. You should be able to find some good instructional videos online on how to flycast. Get you some popping bugs with rubber legs and some foam rubber spiders with rubber legs and you're ready to go!
walt I think I will stick with just some lite line tied in that eyelet. I dont know where to get them or how to get em in the float line but now that you mention it i think i did see some of those things at quints hardware. Now as far as bugs go........I throw a glow bug with white legs Trimem shorter so that the gills will quit nippin at the legs and start gettin body in there mouth if there short strikin. Theres nothing like getting in from from work and easin out to the creek round 5 in the evening and casting till 7. Drinkin a few beers and listin to the owls and frogs!
Start with your backing Mayo. You're going to need lots of that. Financial backing. You haven't spent near enough. PLUS, now you got to get into the financial "Black Hole" of fly tying. You may need a bailout!

That's about all I can honestly tell you about your predicament.

Here's a good link to learn knot tying. It's got fast speed, slow motion, stop motion, back it up motion and all the good fishing knots.

Learn that Arbor knot first to tie your line to your reel. Your backing line, then that Albright knot to join your backing to your fly line. Then that Nail knot to tie your leader on. You didn't say you bought any flies so just tie you a cricket hook on the end and get back to your senses!
Boogie man Im with you. I been fly fishing with the same reel and same line since my paw paw taught me how 20 years ago. I guess thats why floatin line cost so much. Well I worked the heck out of that old reel and line the last 3 years and really put a hurtin on em. ( I tore it all to pcs) Ive got the reel repaired and new line to put on it and im going to retire them on the wall. Thats why I bought all this new stuff. I aint in it to spend no money. Im a strait up poppin bug man. I use crickets threaded thru a # 8 hook. I dont use fancy knots and special tappered tippets. Just always tied on some 6lb line thru the eye bout 6 ft and let er rip! Ive caught lord knows how many fish on that set up. Im not alowed to think that it wont work cause ive got the wrong stuff on there cause its all I have ever used. I dont need a fancy vest or a bench to tie on. I know its relaxing to some folks but alot of those some folks have Ice and snow in the winter. Im still running the river!

Wet crickets, Tight lines! If you want hands on come on up to Shidler, I can set it up easier than tell you. Then we can go fishin. This might help, there are several learning videos here wish the had been around when I got started.
Well if I was to come up till Shilder Id lose all that money I saved...... Wait thats a glass half empty...... With all that money I saved I can come to shilder and you can show me! haha. Yes sir I will shole nuff check out the vids....

Thanks a million
K the vid was awsume It was like Fly fishing for dummys! Coulda done with out the mellow tone and the accent but other than that WOW It really was perfect.

ROFL, oh my freaking side. I'm still cracking up after 2 hours.

What no fishing vest, hemostats, thermometer, all the do-dad to put on your vest, and zingers, strike indicaters, hats with flys on it, wow this is starting to sound like trout fishing.
Wont be no fancy shirts and hats with all the jingle down here. Its to hot for all that stuff. Your shirtless and swimmin by 10 most of the time down here!
Jeremy, You need to at least get a wide brimmed "River Runs Thru It Hat"
I can use it to keep sun out of my eyes and off my ears. I can fold one side up and be welcomed welcomed into any Aussie Bar. Fold up both an be welcomed into any cowboy bar. Fold the front up into any " F-Troop" bar.
Besides that I look really GOOD in it. So you will at least need the hat. Trust me I got a really good feeling about this one.
just wait til you decide to "save money" by tying your own fishing is a black hole .but one i am glad i found.20 some years ago i got quite frustrated watching those gills feed on the surface.big ones.could not get them on crickets or any thing else.the float scared them i figure.taught myself how to cast tie flie etc.really noone in my area doing it.had to read an awful lot of trout books and first cast with a flyrod i hooked a 3lb bass on a foam spider.


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tracy willis commented on Joe's photo


"very nice fish.  im ready for warm weather too."
dick tabbert commented on Joe's photo


"Now that's an eater. Gourgious "
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dick tabbert commented on Joe's photo


"Nice bass Joe"
Joe commented on Joe's photo


"To be honest Mr Jeff took them and cropped them for me so I can repost them the right way 😂…"
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"Fine looking Fish you're posting! Glad you found the rotate photo feature. Three steps.…"
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"Looks like a Chessie cat!"
Joe commented on Joe's photo


"Just thought I would try that color jig since it was already on the line 😆"
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Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Joe's photo


"Pretty…jig inhaled….where did you learn about that color….🤔"
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Joe's photo


"This is a nice crappie…..I’m very ready for winter to be in the rear…"
Joe commented on Joe's photo


"Thank you Mr John. I have technical difficulties with computers. Mr Jeff is currently working on…"
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"Great looking Crappie!"
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Not often That East Coast of North Carolina Boat Ramps are Covered With Snow and Ice……1/22/2025

"Understand Slip…..we’re getting another foot or more of snow today and I’m…"
Feb 19
Slip Sinker commented on Troy Dorman's photo


"   wow"
Feb 18
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"Slip! Long time! Thanks for reaching out."
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Feb 18
John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's photo


"Yes Tracy, I'm pleased. Thanks!"
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